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Intro to the Game

Hello! If you're looking to play in this D&D campaign, this article should help give you an introduction into what to expect and how prep characters.  

System and Sourcebooks:

  For the most part we'll be using good old D&D 5e (D&D Fifth Edition), this system is the one a lot of the players and I are familiar with. I may try new systems for one shots. Any 5e resources you need book wise you can get from me. The best resource for class info and feats is available at   For the basics of creating characters there are many amazing guides out there, there is the introduction writing in the players handbook, many different youtube videos, or you can reach out to any of the members of the group who are experienced in this.     All published Wizards of the Coast 5e sub classes, species, and feats are allowed. The two blanket homebrew systems I am allowing are Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt (see DM for sourcebook) and KibblesDM Be wary of Kibbles' subclasses,they can be very fun to play and give you lots of options, but are very complicated and require a good understanding of rules to make the character. I also play with Kibbles' modified inspiration points, as a fun way to reward in character decisions and allow players to save up for heroic actions.   Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt is an amazing kickstarter book that some members of our group and I have funded, and I will be borrowing the madness system and eldritch moon system in some capacity. This book can contain some vivid descriptions of eldritch horror and deal with some distressing themes, please see the Sensitive Themes section at the bottom of this article for more.   One DM package I'm thinking of supporting has a FoundryVTT support. This is the current link to its free content:   If you find a cool subclass or feature shoot it over to me and odds are I'd be willing to give it a shot!  


  I accept point buy, standard array, or rolling for stats. If you roll for stats please be honest, I'm open to allowing a reroll of one group of dice if you get particularly bad stats, but overall getting some rough stats can make for a better story.  

Roleplaying and Gameplay:

    Our group does a mix of metagame (outside of character talk) and in character talking. This can vary from session to session or what type of one shot we're running. If you prefer one style more than the other please let me know and I can help plan accordingly. I am more likely to award inspiration points to those playing in character or making tough decisions that could adversely affect their character but benefit the story more.    

Sensitive Themes:

  D&D can cover a lot of brutal or distressing themes. If there are any cautious topics (ones you want me to warn you about before they come up in a session) or completely banned topics you wish to avoid please let me know (this can be anonymously too, there is no need to disclose things you wish to keep private). Currently our group is ok with all descriptions of violence and horror themes, but we avoid any distressing topics related to explicit sexual scenes. While we have crude humor (what group doesnt) and you can romance NPCs, we will fade to black as opposed to spending time on these scenes. AT ANY POINT IF YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH SOMETHING IN GAME LET ME KNOW ASAP, we can take a brief break or find a way story wise to avoid the topic, no story is worth making someone feel unsafe at the table.   Ex. If you have a fear or spiders and their descriptions but would still be ok fighting them, letting me know ahead of time about this cautious topic could let me warn you prior to a session that you could be fighting spiders, and I will also do my best to tune down the descriptive language about them.

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