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Steel Dwarves, the greatest artisans of the the old world built valok from rare ores buried deep in the earth. Though these dwarves have disappeared, their incredible constructs remain. No other blacksmith, inventor, or mage has created anything like these magnificent machines. These Dwarves disappeared when Ythryn fell.   Rare Metal Body. Steel dwarves unlocked the secrets of smithing valiar—the truemetal—prized not only for its strength and flexibility, but for its entrancing silverywhite beauty. They could turn valiar into anything, from breathtaking weapons and exquisite buildings to hypnotic gossamer fabrics that are nearly transparent and virtually indestructible. The secrets of working with the truemetal disappeared with the dwarves, but not before they built the nigh-invulnerable bodies of the valok.   Prismacore Power. The steel dwarves also mined iridoss, commonly known as prismacore. This rare gemstone was infused with the power of other worlds. Unlike other constructs who are powered by spells or prayer, each valok’s prismacore heart allows them to operate without magic. Since prismacore never loses power, valok can work ceaselessly, without rest or respite.   Mechanized Evolution. The first valok were great machines made to dig, smelt, and build. Legends say these giant walkers could build entire cities in a matter of days and could even construct other valok. As the steel dwarves learned the deep secrets of prismacore, they made machines that could speak and think more freely. While two classes of valok—servok and multivok— have been discovered, ancient steel dwarf carvings hint that a highly advanced third class was created just before the makers disappeared.   Ancient and Deep. Ruined valok litter the deepest ruins of the steel dwarves, and without the secrets of the steel dwarves, their valiar and iridoss are useless to modern smiths. But some valok still labor in the depths, carrying out their final orders and ready to end any who interfere.

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