Delphine Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Character design by IlliodArt and Griffinish, story and personality by orphidor


Delphine, a human-sized ball-jointed doll with wiring and haphazardly-harvested computer parts bolted into her body, bears the vague semblance of a person, but she's not fully sentient. She was seemingly created to be a fortune teller, as she spends most of her time idly shuffling a deck of tarot cards and spouting various cryptic phrases in a canned, somber voice. Her height, rigid movements, eerie stare, and blankly-mournful faceplate usually frighten people, so Rhodey keeps her hidden away in her workshop and lets her entertain herself with assorted fortune-telling tools.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Certain parts of Delphine's body have cracked, but she isn't missing any parts. Rhodey has stabilized the broken parts while she figures out how to fix them.

Body Features

Her body is cast in solid resin. It's held together with sturdy metal hooks and thick elastic bands. She has the figure of a typical adult woman, minus any sex characteristics. Her single-jointed construction and rigid limbs make her extremely clumsy. The most dexterous parts of her body are her hands, which are constructed with much more intricacy than the rest of her and are surprisingly nimble.

Facial Features

Delphine's face is finely-sculpted and very beautiful despite the cracks running across it. Her cheeks and nose are lightly blushed and she wears fake eyelashes, but her face is otherwise unpainted, lending her a half-finished look.

Identifying Characteristics

She is one of few "living dolls" in existence, making her extremely distinctive.

Physical quirks

Her movements are quick and jerky. They're accompanied by slight whirring and clicking noises.

Special abilities

Delphine only makes trivial predictions, but if a person is able to decipher their overly-complicated and cryptic wording, they hold a surprising amount of truth.

Apparel & Accessories

Her only clothes are a black-and-gray vest, a red skirt with white lace trim, and a black choker with blue resin cabochons perfectly matching her eyes in color. When removed, the vest reveals several openings in her back that allow for easier access to her internal mechanics.

Specialized Equipment

During the time Rhodey has sheltered Delphine, the mechanic has provided the construct with several fortune-telling instruments, including a small crystal ball and several decks of tarot cards. Delphine spends all her time seated at a small desk in the corner of Rhodey's workshop, shuffling one of her tarot decks and laying out various spreads she never reads.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When asked where she came from, Delphine describes a workshop full of mechanical components and half-constructed robotic bodies. She mentions a "weird" human man as being the workshop's sole human inhabitant. Her descriptions are vague and scattered; despite repeated questionings, Rhodey hasn't been able to pry anything else from her. A series of initials stamped on the inside of the back of her head provide another set of clues as to her origin, but neither Delphine nor Rhodey know what they mean.

Gender Identity

Delphine has no physical sex, but she identifies as a woman.


When asked if she has ever been in love, she laughs softly (an uncanny sight because her face never moves) and spits out a randomly-generated phrase. What exactly this means is up for debate.


Rhodey's initial investigations into Delphine's programming revealed a vast database of information on various fortune-telling methods, all directly wired into the doll's very being. These include palmistry, the casting of runes, crystallomancy, and (of course) card-reading.



Delphine's words are clipped, with individual syllables sounding prerecorded at times. Her tone is whimsically lilted, though in a slightly mechanical way. Her lips are molded to shape and never move. Instead, her voice emanates from a small speaker bolted into her head.
Current Status
Current Location
Unknown (several decades)
Current Residence
Rhodey's Workshop
Resin, sky blue with no pupils
A blond nylon wig glued and pinned into a bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 feet
Known Languages
English, French

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: by IlliodArt (Lines) & Griffinish (Color)