Faun Species in New Terra | World Anvil
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Written by orphidor

Like many other non-human races, fauns originally made their real-life appearances during the Weirdening. Since then, their numbers have steadily grown as they grow more common across the globe.

Basic Information


Fauns are bipedal, with fur covering their bodies from the hips down and hooves instead of feet. Their legs resemble those of goats and their upper bodies are near-identical to those of non-variant humans. They often possess horns and/or the ears of goats.

Genetics and Reproduction

Fauns can only reproduce among their own species. Cross-species couples can't produce half-fauns. Their gestation period lasts around 40 weeks, similar to humans. Twins are more common among fauns than other races.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fauns begin puberty at around the age of 13. The process ends when they're around 18. Mental maturity takes a few years longer to complete.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Though they can and will eat meat, they're primarily vegetarian.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their facial features are just as diverse as those of humans. They can have a wide variety of different facial characteristics, depending on their genetics and heritage.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Similar to ordinary humans, but with slightly better hearing and low-light vision.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Beauty standards for fauns' upper halves are similar to those humans have for themselves. Tall men with broad shoulders and slim waists are seen as handsome, while women with hourglass figures are seen as beautiful. For their lower halves, healthy and well-groomed fur is idealized, as are long and slender legs.

Common Dress Code

Tops similar to those worn by humans are standard among the fauns. Since their lower halves are difficult to dress in pants, skirts or waist wraps are considered polite to wear, even though their fur usually obscures many details of their anatomy.


The first fauns were born into being as the Weirdening took place.
80 to 90 years
Average Physique
They're typically on the slender side, though of course stockier individuals do exist.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin comes in light beige, dark brown, and anything in between, while their hair and fur comes in any conceivable natural color.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by orphidor