Jon Fortune Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Jon Fortune

Character design, story, and personality by orphidor

World President Jon Fortune (a.k.a. "Mr. Fortune")

As World President, Jon Fortune has excelled in uniting humanity after the Weirdening. Thanks to him, world peace is now the default and global society is doing brilliantly well. Though he may seem frightening to some, his goals are pure. All he wants is to see humanity succeed.  
Theme Song

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though he's not the fastest or strongest person to ever exist, he's moderately fit due to his enjoyment of jogging and soccer.

Body Features

His body is lean and rectangular in shape.

Facial Features

Mr. Fortune's face is freckled and he can usually be seen smiling widely. He has a strong jawline and compelling features.

Special abilities

Research into Mr. Fortune's unnaturally long life has revealed that every single alternate version of him in other universes has died, usually in rather gruesome ways. It's theorized that the years lost by those alternate versions have been accumulated into the only surviving "copy."

Apparel & Accessories

He can usually be spotted wearing a thin red turtleneck and a black-and-white striped suit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mr. Fortune was verifiably one of the first children born after the Weirdening in 1943. Even in his youth, he proved his incredible charisma among other children in the schoolyard. In college, he double-majored in his two favorite subjects, psychology and political science (topping his classes in both.) Soon after he graduated, he ran for mayor of his small town, then governor of Vermont, then President of the United States, and finally World President in 2016, winning every election by a landslide.

Gender Identity

He identifies as a man and has never questioned the gender he was assigned at birth.


Mr. Fortune identifies as pansexual, without a preference for one gender over another.


He has degrees in political science and psychology from Carnegie Mellon University.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Under his oversight, unemployment, world hunger, and general poverty have decreased tenfold. He has also singlehandedly ended large-scale conflicts.

Mental Trauma

He doesn't speak on the matter much, but watching his friends and family grow old while he remains unchanged has brought him a measure of guilt and sadness.

Intellectual Characteristics

His intelligence types are linguistic, logical, and interpersonal.

Morality & Philosophy

Mr. Fortune believes that those who possess advantages in life should use them to help others less fortunate than themselves. He feels a great responsibility to fulfill his own ideals because of his interpersonal abilities and unnaturally long lifespan.

Personality Characteristics


Jon Fortune is genuinely motivated by a desire to see human life across the planet thrive.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves reading and talking about psychology, likes soccer and phony banana flavored candy, dislikes spiders, hates violent crime.

Virtues & Personality perks

Being incredibly charismatic, Mr. Fortune is a tactful negotiator, a kindly figurehead, and a friend to all who meet him. He understands how the human brain works and uses this knowledge to better the lives of all whose paths he crosses.

Vices & Personality flaws

He has a natural tendency to be glib, but he's fully aware of this flaw and tries as hard as possible to avoid giving in to it.


Mr. Fortune believes cleanliness is next to godliness.


Social Aptitude

Thanks to his charisma and empathy, Mr. Fortune is a kindly, likable leader beloved by all except those who embrace chaos and crime.
Current Status
Date of Birth
March 23
Year of Birth
1943 CE 81 Years old
Current Residence
His right is blue, while the left is brown. Both seem to be perpetually smiling.
Cut short at temples, longer on top. Blond with brown roots and a signature curly swoop over the forehead.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light-toned, freckled
6 feet 1 inch
Quotes & Catchphrases
"World peace isn't just possible. It's inevitable."
Known Languages
English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Hindi

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: “Jon Fortune” by Stepinahalf
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