Ageir Talonstead

Ageir Talonstead

Though born into immense wealth and privilege as the only heir of the Talonstead estate, Ageir was made to pay a heavy price for it by an abusive father. His upbringing involved extremely strict discipline according to nonsensical and often contradictory rules. One particularly horrific episode resulted in severe damage to Ageir’s eyes, rendering him permanently blind.   When he came of age, Ageir took a tour of the archipelago accompanied by several servants. As a teenager he was full of angst and disdain, and he was mostly disinterested in the various locales along the route. His interest was piqued, however, when he visited a temple long thought abandoned. Inside he met the lone caretaker of the temple. The caretaker was the last of a clade of Sith’ari, and he sensed the immense fear and anger within Ageir. Over several weeks he would teach young Talonstead about the Flow and how to channel his intense passions into it and bend it to his will. Uniquely, he even learned to “see” again by sensing the presence of creatures and objects in the Flow.   One day, word arrived that Ageir’s father had passed away, leaving the estate to him. Thus he hurried back with his servants to get matters in order, but Ageir returned to the Sith’ari temple as often as possible to continue his training. Those close to him witnessed a change in the young noble. Rather than the fiery bouts of fury that would possess him before, Ageir took on a cold, sardonic demeanour. He continues to exude a frightening aura, especially for those who have seen his willingness to put his Siverain abilities to use on those who cross him.
Neutral Evil
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
150 lbs.