Alzed Masnal

Alzed Masnal

Alzed was a well-off merchant's son. A merchant that made his trade through scribbled notes on paper and conversations with people. He didn't create his goods; he simple acquired them from others and found other buyers.   Young Masnal found this a slow and boring life, so he set out and joined the military; as he had his own horse, he was welcomed into the calvary. He did well for himself. When an exploration mission was announced, he submitted his name and was sent.   His ship made landfall in the Dragonsmoke Archipelago, on the island called Illusk.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alzed is physically fit, and at 6' 2'', he looks powerful. A rough guess would place him around 200lbs, erring on a bit heavier. He walks with the deadly and confident air of a veteran soldier.

Body Features

He wears a tattoo of black triangles that ring both of his biceps.

Facial Features

Alzed is a well-groomed and stoic man, often wearing a stern face. He keeps his black hair shorn nearly to his skin and his face is clean-shaven (even when he's traveling).

Identifying Characteristics

Alzed wears a small-looped silver earring in each of his ears.

Physical quirks

He keeps his chin held a little too high when he talks to others.

Apparel & Accessories

Alzed favors short-sleeved linen shirts when he's not garbed in his battle gear. Perhaps it's so that tattoos that encirle is powerful arms are visible.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alzed was the son of a merchant, but he day-dreamed of doing something more than the rather mundane and plush life successful merchanting provided.   Eventually, that, in addition to his love for horses, led him to join the military. As he had his own horse, he was welcomed into the Calishite Calvary. He did well there.   When he learned of an opportunity to sail across the sea to new locations as part of an exploration expedition, he made himself available and took it. They landed on the island of Illusk, which they had dubbed Calistan.   Unbeknownst to the Calishites, the Illuskans had taken residence on the island 5 years prior. Their first contact didn't happen until a year later after the Calishite landfall. For the next two years they scrimmaged. Commander Gaelin was an incredible captain and led them to great victories. Eventually, however, the Illuskans tracked down the Calishite army and put a stop to their raids once and for all...

Gender Identity



Straight, Heterosexual


Alzed was raised as a merchant's son and learned about the important of working with others to get what you needed. It wasn't always about what you knew, but about who you were willing to talk to and what you were willing to work out with them.   He also has military training as a tactician and calvaryman.


He was first a Calishite soldier; a calvaryman officer. Second, explorer.   That's all changed now. Now he's making his own way in the world, unintentionally budding into an adventurer.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Survived the Calishite defeat to the Illuskans.   Slew his captor and survived a dragon attack.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to keep the Calishite forces present on the Island of Illusk. Fell to the Illuskan forces and became a slave.

Mental Trauma

Was a Prisoner of War and slave for seven months following the Calishite defeat on Illusk.

Intellectual Characteristics

Perseverence, Confidence, and Courage

Morality & Philosophy

People deserve respect and politeness though my friendship doesn't come easily. I've lost my closest friends to the Illuskans.   I do what I must and obey just authority.   My honor is my life.

Personality Characteristics


Alzed is motivated by his honor, which was stained by his fearful flight from the red dragon attack on New Yartar. He'd abandoned his fellow Calishites that had been taken as slaves and prisoners by the Illuskans rather than slain.   He seeks stability. And the ability to enact judgment upon the Illuskans for what they'd done to his friends.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Alzed has a bit of luck on his side when it comes to gambling--mostly with dice. He also knows good horse stock when he sees it.   He's not too familiar with magic and religion; he's also slow to pick up any game that doesn't involve dice. He doesn't exactly understand music nor does he really care to.   Alzed also is unfamiliar with most tools; his trade was of supply chain management. People. And notes. He didn't build or create things.

Likes & Dislikes

He disliked negotiating. That's part of the reasons why he left his father's trade and persued adventure instead.   Alzed loves horseback riding, gambling, and fighting.

Virtues & Personality perks

I'm always polite and respectful. I fulfill my responsibilities. I do what I must and obey just authority.

Vices & Personality flaws

If you're not a soldier, you're not really worth much of my time. I'll give you a moment of attention, but I need to be impressed before I'll lend weight to what you say.   I gamble.

Personality Quirks

I raise my chin a little too high when I talk to others. It's a little condescending.


I am well-dressed, well-groomed, and well-washed.


Contacts & Relations

Dynaheir Rayida. An escaped Calishite woman he discovered outside of New Yartar. She and he are fleeing as far from that city as they can, together.   Commander Gaelin. Deceased. The Commander of the Calishite forces. Alzed respected him very much.   Al'Qadim. Calishite warrior. Last seen the day the dragon attacked New Yartar.   Othovir. Deceased. Manbreaker. Illuskan taskmaster. Slain by Alzed the day the dragon attack; he held the key to free Alzed from his bonds.

Family Ties

Specific to Faerun.

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Well-versed but lacks the heart of it. He prefers action to talk; unless it's for good boisterous fun.

Wealth & Financial state

He grew up well-off. One of the few successful middle-class families.   He's now beginning to discover what it means to be an adventurer. And how lucrative this type of work is.

Alzed is a well-groomed, short-haired, dark-skinned man. He walks with an air of confidence and the gait of someone more accustomed to traveling on horseback rather than on his own feet.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
The Wilds of Illusk
Black, Buzz Cut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2''
Quotes & Catchphrases
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish

The Poisonous Jungle Druid

Alzed and Dynaheir continued their journey through the junlges of Illusk. Alzed fell to a grievous wound of some corrupt woodland druid. After his rest, they'll find a road. Here, they will stumble upon the dwarven hero, Machtig.   24 January 2022

Flight in the Jungle and the Woman

Alzed fled far from New Yartar and the dragon attack. He stumbled into Dynaheir, another escaped slave, and the joined together, braving the wilds as they tried to find a way off this island and seek new livelihoods.

Slavery and Freedom

Alzed Masnal, former Calishite Warrior and Intrepid Explorer, fell with his army. He was captured as a Prisoner of War turned Slave. He was aiding in the building of the wall around New Yartar. During one of his days out, the settlement was raided by a great red dragon, several smaller dragons, and scores of kobold forces. Alzed fled in fear, killing kobolds that tried to kill him, and chasing down Manbreaker. The Illuskan that held the keys to Alzed's bonds. The man that ruthlessly punished Alzed and his friends.   Alzed killed Manbreaker. He freed himself from bonds. With his newfound freedom, what will he do next?

Calistan Last Stand

Alzed Masnal and his Calishite comrades faced off against the Illuskans in their infamous last stand. Both groups had arrived at the Dragonsmoke Archipelago by chance; but the Illuskans had arrived 5 years prior. They didn't learn of this unfortunate circumstance until a year into their taming of the large, strange island, but their presence was met with instant hostility.   Commander Gaelin struck back at the Illuskan forces and managed to show them that the Calishite people were not a force to be reckoned with. He won victory after victory after victory. The losses sustained, though, were too great. Eventually the Illuskan commanders routed the Calishites out of their hiding places and finally managed to engage with full force the Illuskan army. The Calishites were destroyed.