Anjing Kamuliaan

Anjing Kamuliaan

"Now, there's no no doubt them boys started the fight. Clem an' his gang have a habit of throwin' their weight around, but that stranger didn't need to hurt them bad as he did. Don busted up his leg when he went over the table, and Jenna's still pickin' glass out of Tare's face. They was all fixin' to join on at the academy come summer, but there ain't no way they'll be in any right shape by then. Couldn't tell you what the feller said that got 'em all riled up. He always whispered when he talked, an' none of them idjits will fess up to what they heard."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

This warrior has a toned, lithe body of dense muscle maintained by religious levels of routine exercise.

Body Features

Though always sharply dressed, beneath his fastidious attire, Anjing bears a network of vicious looking scars. One in particular is concealed beneath his high collar, from where the rope of a noose shredded his neck.

Facial Features

Anjing wears his beard in an expertly trimmed goatee. His hair is tightly braided in rows close to his scalp, gathered together at the nape of his neck. His features are primarily human, with only angular cheekbones and otherworldly eyes betraying his fey heritage.

Identifying Characteristics

His eyes are a startling cobalt hue, though they are typically downturned as though Anjing is lost in thought, or particularly fascinated by his drink.

Physical quirks

Anjing effects a dancer's bow at the beginning and ending of a fight, often goading his opponents.

Special abilities

After a fight, his blade audibly sizzles with heat.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears darkly colored, well-tailored, and obviously expensive clothing, always with a high collar. His standard attire is a long-sleeved black tunic over grey breeches, with knee high, polished leather boots.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Anjing identifies as male.


Anjing is heterosexual, but has little time for romantic entanglements.


Anjing benefited from a classical education in courtly matters, though he retained very little beyond his fencing and the odd bit of arcane trivia. He does speak multiple respectable languages and has a knack for courtly manners, befitting a minor noble.


Anjing would be classified as a knight errant, though he holds that his loyalty is to his fallen house and the house alone. He will do everything in his power to safeguard the location of his liegewoman, lest she be killed to prevent a succession war, as she is the only hope he has of restoring the family's power.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He was able to secret away one of the surviving members of his noble house, though the act cost the lives of several of his friends.

Failures & Embarrassments

A rebellion by a branch family resulted in the house which Anjing was duty bound to losing all standing, their lands and holdings were subsumed and the few survivors fled into hiding or exile. Though Anjing was not singularly responsible for the security of the house, he is the highest ranking member of the retinue to survive.

Mental Trauma

Several of his close friends died in the rebellion, many by his side in battle. These were warriors that he had known since childhood and with whom he had attended the royal academy. He is reluctant to grow close to anyone else in their stead, especially while his house remains vulnerable.

Intellectual Characteristics

Anjing can follow a philosophical or academic conversation, but holds little more than grudging respect for titles related to one's education. In his experience, what can be learned from books alone has little bearing on a person's value or success in life.

Morality & Philosophy

Though the rebellion has ended, Anjing sees himself as still at war. Only victory or death will end the conflict for him, and he applies a battlefield mindset towards the realization of one or the other of those outcomes.


He has little tolerance for discourtesy and has been known to go overboard in seeking remedies for an offense.

Personality Characteristics


Anjing is waging a personal shadow war attempting to secure the right to succession for his liegewoman. There are a number of parties interested in seeing him fail, but confronting them directly would be disastrous to his aims.


Anjing keeps his hair, beard, skin, and clothes immaculately clean.


Contacts & Relations

Duchess Lydia of Tucrodor

Family Ties

The Kamuliaan's have served the house of Tucrodor going back generations.

Religious Views

Though he is not as devout as some of his fellows, Anjing carries a medallion of Bes, the god of chance and luck.

Social Aptitude

Anjing is skillful in courtly manners and educated, but is worldly enough to mingle with the working class as a member of the lowest rank of the peerage.


Anjing sits and stands with a rigid posture and keeps his eyes downcast until he expects to fight. When he moves, his gait is smooth and flowing, as though he is dancing to music only he can hear.


Anjing speaks in a hoarse whisper with a french accent.

Wealth & Financial state


Soft-spoken Anjing whispers in part so that you will listen, but mainly due to an injury sustained in an attempted hanging. His stellar bladework serves to win most arguments as he works behind the scenes to secure his liegewoman's stolen homeland.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Baronet Kamuliaan
Braided Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Coffee Brown
6' 2"
210 lbs.
Known Languages
Anjing speaks Common, Draconic, Elvish, and Sylvan fluently.