Antoinette Bleake

Antoinette Bleake (a.k.a. Ferrous Femme)

She was Antoinette, but that was before the cave. There was no need for names in the dark, there was only the glow of the forge, the clang of the hammer, the jabbering of her captors as they demand to know where the promised weapons were. She lost count of how many finished works they took, and the beatings taught her not to ask what they were doing with them. But it was never enough. They wanted something big. Something terrible. An ultimate weapon. And in the end an ultimate weapon is what they got, though not quite as they would have liked; for under the tutelage of Briain Cascruach - the arthritic dwarven forgemaster and prisoner whom she had been kidnapped to be the nimble fingers and youthful strength of - her unformed elven malaise had been beaten and annealed into cold, sharp dwarven focus. And that focus they cloaked in unyielding steel. In the end the bastards barely saw it coming, and those that did didn't have time to give it a name before they breathed their last. The cave is behind her now, but the things she created in the dark are still out there, carrying her maker's mark, spilling blood and breaking bones that she is responsible for. Evil work that she cannot undo. But she can avenge it. Toni Bleake is no more. She is Ferrous Femme. No wait, Steel Maiden. Metal Dame. Forgeheart? Names aren't important outside the cave either. There is only her training, her debt and the vengeful forge-fire that now burns within her. And it will be fed.
Neutral Good
One green, one blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation