Berevan Nerikalyn

Berevan Nerikalyn

Berevan, a smug, overly-intelligent drop-out of a prestigious Wizarding University, has, despite all his research and interrogation of professors, failed to find an answer to one important question: How did life begin? Upon realizing the faults and lack of knowledge obtained by the university, he decided the only way to gain new knowledge is to seek out, experience, and gain it for himself. So he left his university student life behind in hopes of achieving far greater knowledge gains as a student of adventure and life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender, typical of most high elves.

Facial Features

Angular, sharp, pointed.

Identifying Characteristics

His eyes are a shade of blue a bit too light to feel natural.

Apparel & Accessories

Tan trousers, leather boots turned down at the knee, variety of silky, embroidered collared shirts, and a rich leather jacket.

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Berevan, a smug, overly-intelligent drop-out of a prestigious Wizarding University, has, despite all his research and interrogation of professors, failed to find an answer to one important question: How did life begin? Upon realizing the faults and lack of knowledge obtained by the university, he decided the only way to gain new knowledge is to seek out, experience, and gain it for himself. So he left his university student life behind in hopes of achieving far greater knowledge gains as a student of adventure and life.

Gender Identity



Straight. More interested in finding an answer to how life began than finding a soulmate, however.


Prance University. Drop out. Known as an excellent student. Challenged professors a little too often; forgot his place as a student.


He was a researcher; the best among his fellow student-coworkers. Even surpassing some of the full-timers in productivity and discovery. He earned more than he probably should have.

Intellectual Characteristics

I use polysyllabic words that convey the impression of great erudition. I … speak … slowly … when talking … to idiots, … which … almost … everyone … is … compared … to me.

Morality & Philosophy

Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. (Neutral)

Personality Characteristics


I’ve been searching my whole life for the answer to a certain question.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


  Berevan is no stranger to sneaking around and poking his nose in things he's told he's shouldn't. Or things specifically blocked off to him. His lithe form and persistent determination have led him to be quite skillful in acrobatics, stealth, and perception in avoiding those who might catch him. His years of study have also made him an expert in history and arcana.  


  Working with people, however, has never been Berevan's strong suite. He often talks down to them, like he's chatting with imbeciles all of the time. Needless to say, friendship is lacking in his life.

Vices & Personality flaws

I overlook obvious solutions in favor of complicated ones.   I'm also not good with people.


Very neat and clean. Obsessively so.


Social Aptitude



Elevated. Academic. Refined. So much so that it's degrading.

Sharp, intelligent, arrogant, searching eyes. Berevan often holds his chin a little too high, looking down his nose a little too often, and scoffing at others a little too obviously. Young, haughty, Berevan believes he is a student on a tier all his own.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Light Blue
Chocolate Brown, Should Blade Length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 7"
135 lbs
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elvish, Goblin.