Camp Survivors


When the Desert Spider attacked it was a sudden, violent interruption in the night. Bursts of sand and screams broke the stillness, and any who wished to live had no choice but to run, immediately, or die trying to save what little they had. Searching through the remnants of the camp, Rondo and Gilvellios found evidence that quite a number managed to escape. If they still live, they are likely in need of assistance. Perhaps they can be found?

A Mission of Aid

You must locate the survivors. They can't have gotten far—no more than thirty miles, surely!   You must travel 2d8+2d6 miles using !terrain. While traveling, you may find unexpected creatures or locations. Every 5 miles, roll 1d100. On a 75+, you find something interesting; use !table wilderness to determine what it is.  
!r 1d100 75+ You found something interesting! Use !table wilderness to find out what it is.
  Additionally, you may lose your way. Every 5 miles, you must make a DC 12 Survival Check to locate the trail. If you fail this check, you have lost the trail and must travel an additional 1d2 miles.  

We Have Come

You have located the survivors. There are more than you expected, but… fewer than you hoped. You see injuries, and here and there are signs of dehydration and starvation. Though these people are surely experienced survivalists, the night of the attack has left its marks. What condition are they in?  
For each of the following questions, roll 9d20 DC 10. Each failure indicates a survivor in need.
!r 9d20 Each failure indicates a survivor needs help
  Are any survivors starving?   Are any survivors dehydrated?   Do any survivors require medical attention?  
For the following question, instead use !heydm … (ey is life threatening)? average for each survivor in need of medical attention instead.
!heydm is it urgent (ey is life threatening)? average
  Is it urgent?  

Do You Require Assistance?

  Each starving survivor will need a ration.   Each dehydrated survivor will need a gallon of water.   If any survivors require medical attention, you may make a DC 10 Medicine Check to aid them or use a healing spell. Failure means you are unable to help.   If any survivors require urgent medical care, the DC increases to 15 and failure means you must roll on the Lingering Injuries Table.   If any survivors have life threatening injuries, you must either succeed on a Fast Medium Skill Challenge or use a 2nd level or greater healing spell, or the survivor will die. For each failure on a successful Skill Challenge, roll on the Lingering Injuries Table. You may discount these Skill Challenges when calculating Quest progress.  

The Quiet

You found, and were able to help, the survivors. What is next?   Complete a Roleplay Scenario with at least 5 lines of dialogue in which you talk with the survivors about what they are doing next, and what, if anything, they will need going forward.  


Band of the Unfortunate Few
Double Quest Rewards
Lord █████████████████'s Stash

Articles under Camp Survivors