
Lord of the Wilds Cernunnos (a.k.a. Pan; The Green Man)

Once, in an age long-past, the Lord of the Wilds was worshipped as a god. All the beasts and plants were his subjects and friends, and mortals sought his benevolent influence whenever they wished for harmony with nature. They also suffered his fury when their destructive ways encroached upon it. For millennia, Cernunnos was the very spirit of the wild places. But with time that all began to fade… Mortals, as it turns out, are terribly fickle, and much to the Green Man’s surprise, it was in fact their belief that sustained his power. With waning belief, Cernunnos gradually lost his hold over the wilds, and himself. He faded into the faerie realm as yet another discarded relic of a bygone era.   The Feywild swallowed him up, but also gave him new life. It transformed him into something more tangible, something alive. With a newfound physical form, Cernunnos began to experience things from an entirely new perspective. Though no longer a god, perhaps he could become something different and find himself again. The veil between the Fey realm and the Material grew thinner and thinner until Cernunnos found himself firmly in the latter.
Non-binary; masculine pronouns and presentation