Efultaine Snowguard

Efultaine Snowguard (a.k.a. Taine)

Taine has spent the last forty-three years working as a carpenter alongside her father and mother, regularly traveling from their hill home, known as "The Mounds". They most generally served as contractors in far towns and cities where dwarven craftsmanship was rare and desired.   In her travels to the west, when she was about thirty-five, she had a life-changing moment. Enroute to the market to pick up supplies for her father, guiding her dear friend and companion, Bopa the Mule, she got a little lost. Breach Cliff was a much larger city than she'd been in before. It didn't help that magic was commonplace here and methods of traveling and doing, well, everything, was different.   Soon, she found herself standing outside of a magnificent structure. A Temple to Duality. She entered, impressed at the grandeur of the building, and was able to witness a wedding ceremony.   The young dwarf was so touched by this experience that she decided her parents' atheist ways were erroneous. This was something. It felt right. It was different and real! So she caught the attention of a seemingly unimportant priest to get more information. And this is where her spiritual journey had began.   At the age of forty-eight, she decided to break off from the family business of carpentry and pledge herself to the service and cause of Duality. She learned of the necessity to bind the other evil gods and keep a society clean of otherworldly influences. What began as dedicated priestly service soon grew into something more adventurous.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Taine is a little light for a dwarf; some might even call her petite. For a dwarf, that's not traditionally a compliment.

Body Features

Taine's reddish brown hair is often kept in a singular loose braid, embellished with a few bolo-like tie-ins. The braid reaches nearly to the small of her back.   She stands on the shorter end, even for dwarves, at only 4' 2". She's pencil-shaped for a dwarf and appears to weigh quite a bit lighter than many of her kin.   Tain is proudly female, and a youthful one at that. Even with her thinner frame, her gender is apparent; the pretty and feminine face, the sweet voice, the way she walks—these all make it so.

Facial Features

Taine's grey-blue eyes soulful and alight with life, energy, and purpose. They're set on an almond-shaped head (which tends to be a bit more uncommon to the more traditional round-shaped heads of her kin), with full lips, a button nose, thin and trimmed eyebrows, and larger-brimmed dwarvish ears.

Identifying Characteristics

Big loop earrings crafted from stone dangle from her dwarven ears. Of the same color as her stone earrings are the facial markings that signify a dwarven worshipper of Duality—three distinct grey markings that are about an inche wide. One from the bottom of her chin to the bottom of her lower lip, and one on either temple that runs from the corner of her eyes and runs into her hairline.

Physical quirks

Taine is left-handed. She also sneezes when in close proximity to non-equine animals.

Apparel & Accessories

Though her family doesn't continue the work of their Snowguard ancestors, the adherence to the dresscode of their Clan still persists—and that is mostly greys and whites. White is usually accented throughout their apparel in tufts of animal fur.   To Taine's credit, it appears that dead animals do lend to her sneezing. Wearing them is much less bothersome.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Taine was a wee lass, her parents broke off from the traditional Snowguard lifestyle and left their clan and that old life behind. They became, more or less, nomads, offering their skills as expert carpenters to folks outside of the Snowguard reaches.   Eventually, they settled in The Mounds, though their work prevented them from being home for longer than a tenday at a time.   So Taine picked up the skills required of a carpenter as she helped her father and mother. She didn't love the work, but didn't really have the ambition to change her surroundings. Not until she discovered a Temple to Duality in Breach Cliff.   That's when her life changed.   She was hooked to the clergy and their answers to questions regarding the purpose and direction of life; she continued to attend their services during her stay in the massive city while also helping her parents with several jobs they had there.   She became entranced and managed to obtain several bits of reading material about Duality and the Faith before they left Breach Cliff. When they did, she discovered churches in other settlements and always made it an effort to attend their services.   Eventually, she came forth to her parents, who, suprisingly, were understanding. They supported Taine in her decisions and reasoned that a Church could probably provide her a better life than they were managing to.   Taine parted ways with her parents, joining the Church and offering all her time and talents. As a result, the Church instructed her further and more in-depth regarding the histories and records of Duality. They spoke of the historic events of the Binding of the other gods. She was taught the languages of the otherworldly beings that plagued and threatened this realm.   During her studies and learning, she discovered a bit of hidden lore about an artifact that was lost from the Church of Duality's possession long ago. She made it her life's goal to recover it.  
  Now she seeks it out, believing more information regarding her hunt to be found in <insert settlement name in the direction she's headed>. She's just arrived in this tiny town on the border between Hestland and Florada and has heard illspeak of a slave camp and outpost for poachers nearby. It was her hope and aim to hang out there until she could find another group passing by that she could accompany. There's safety in numbers.

Gender Identity





Taine's education wasn't very extensive for most of her life. Until recent years, she'd been mostly focused on helping out with the family carpentry business. Most of her knowledge came from her mother and from her travels.   It wasn't until she pursued further enlightenment from attending services towards Duality that she began to latch onto learning. Particularly in regards to languages, tainted mankind who seek godhood, otherworldly and extraplanar beings brought to the realm to destroy it, and other manners of preventing the fall of humanity.   Much of this has occurred in the last four years.


For most of her life, she followed her parents around the realm as a carpenter. It wasn't until the last four years that things in her life changed.   She realized that she needed an occupation in order to get by day-to-day. Having discovered a new calling in her life to pursue the teachings of Duality, Taine volunteered in their "missionary" program.   This is where most of her education and zeal has come from. She furthers the reaches and aims of the organization of her religion and, as recompense, has her basic financial needs met.

Morality & Philosophy

Taine is all about doing the right thing, mostly by helping others. She always tries to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost.   She idolizes a particular hero of her faith, Alinzor Talzalon, and constantly refer to that person’s deeds and example.   Taine is rather intolerant of other faiths and condemns the worship of other gods.


The worship of gods other than Duality.

Personality Characteristics


The Church of Duality lost an ancient relic long ago. It is Taine's aim to find and recover it.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Taine is a knitting and crocheting hobbyist and isn't half bad.   She is, howerever, a right awful cook.

Likes & Dislikes

Talking about Duality and the meaning of life. Discussing ways to bind Sequana. Seeing new places. Helping other folks out.   Dislikes
People uninterested or combatative regarding religion. Having her things organized. Eating foods outside of her comfort zone.

Vices & Personality flaws

Her piety sometimes leads her to blindly trust those that profess faith in Duality.

Personality Quirks

If Taine is standing or sitting for longer than five minutes, she often reaches for her crocheting hook and yarn.


Clean, but somewhat disheveled and unorganized.


Family Ties

The daughter of Agrim and Tulsi Snowguard, contractor carpenters who have abandoned the traditions of the Snowguard Clan.

Religious Views

Taine is devoutly dedicated to Duality and carrying out and sharing his teachings. The other gods, namely Sequana, must be bound.   Other gods are not worth worshipping and to do so is to err.

Wealth & Financial state

Comfortable but income is sporadic. She tends to save her coin and hand it out to those in need.

Efultaine Snowguard goes by Taine. She's the daughter of Agrim and Tulsi Snowguard and wears the dwarven facial markings of those who profess loyalty and devotion to Duality, the god of Wisdom and Magic.

Current Location
Tiny town on the border of Westland and Florada
View Character Profile
Lawful Good
The Mounds
Current Residence
In Transit
Grey Blue
Reddish Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4 ft 2 in
125 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal