Fizz Bang

Fizz Bang

"He swept through here like a fart in church. I didn't see 'im carryin' no crossbow, but he left bolts stuck in everywhere, includin' me arse. Maybe that were the town guard. They were mighty fixed on puttin' a stop to 'im, as much good as it did. He blew through the door, set fire to the bar, flipped a couple tables, an' was out through the back window before ye could praise the Morninglord. Sheriff is puttin' together a posse to go after 'im, but I say leave 'im be an' hope he doesn't come back to town."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fizzbang describes himself as a goblin, but for anyone else to do so in the presence of other goblins would be to cause offense to those goblins.

Body Features

His proportions are bizarre, with his body being composed of mostly his head, his double jointed arms seemingly emerging from his ears, and his feet popping wholesale from beneath his jaw. He is covered in a thick brown fur, much different from the rest of his kind.

Facial Features

Fizzbang's face is split in a perpetual toothy grin, produced by a mouth as wide as his body, and supplemented by a secondary row of teeth. His nose is squat and wide, and his beady eyes glow with sinister mirth.

Identifying Characteristics

If you have seen him once, you would never miss him in a crowd.

Physical quirks


Apparel & Accessories

Fizzbang wears a crested helm fully the size of the rest of his person. It clearly was not made for him. The idea of where and how he acquired it fills you with dread.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fizzbang is a lost soul, wreaking vengeance on a unfair and unforgiving world in his own mostly harmless way. He was captured by fey early on in his life, and promptly dumped back where they found him. Whatever species actually birthed this creature had long left, thanks to the peculiarities of time in the Feywild. He has been wandering ever since, sometimes in search of food, but usually out of a desire to cause chaos.

Gender Identity

Fizzbang has illeism and does not often engage in self-reflection. Most who have encountered him have taken to refer to him as he, him, it, or that, as his behavior is hardly describable as feminine.


Generally unknown as no other member of his actual species has been documented.


Though he has keen survival instincts, he lacks much in the way of actual knowledge or common courtesy.


Efforts to imprison Fizzbang have historically failed. As a result, several communities have paid him to leave.

Mental Trauma

Loss and abandonment early on in his life, as well as repeated rejection by anything approaching a community has led to a laundry list of sociopathic behaviors.

Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

Fizzbang is less of a sophist than he is a raw twitching nerve of emotion. Very little guides him, but he can roughly be aimed.


Communities which have had regular encounters with Fizzbang have observed that he will not cross hollow logs, always lands on his left foot, and is driven into a frenzy whenever a bell rings three times in range of his hearing.

Personality Characteristics


Although a routine topic brought up in town hall meetings, it has been routinely determined that his motivations are incomprehensible and irrelevant.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Something really ought to have killed this thing long ago. What intelligence he possesses seems wholly dedicated towards his survival. He lacks even a rudimentary understanding of how to function in a society.

Likes & Dislikes

Fizzbang will eat anything, including things with no nutritional value like pulled weeds, scrap metal, and whitewash.

He distincly dislikes the sound of ringing bells and squeaking door hinges.

Virtues & Personality perks

Fizzbang does not seem to be inherently evil and has never been witnessed being cruel. Even in the midst of his frenzied rampages, he has never hurt children or animals smaller than himself.

Vices & Personality flaws

Fizzbang seems drawn to bars, taverns, and other establishments within a settlement which stock specifically mead.

Personality Quirks

Fizzbang is often laughing uncontrollably at something only he is aware of.


Fizzbang routinely smells like wet dog.


Contacts & Relations


Family Ties


Religious Views


Social Aptitude




Hobbies & Pets




Wealth & Financial state


Who set fire to that gang?[br] Who went and broke the bell that rang?[br] Who's powered by a dragon fang?[br] It's your bestest buddy: Fizzbang!

Current Location
View Character Profile
Chaotic Stupid
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3 ft 0 in
Quotes & Catchphrases


"Drink! Drink! Drink!"
Known Languages
Fizzbang speaks Common, Goblin, and Giant, with diminishing levels of fluency.