Haze Bloodburn

Haze Bloodburn

A gray skinned tiefling trained from a child to keep the creatures of the multiverse at bay. Familiar with the other planes that connect to this world Haze has studied how to fight the creatures alien to this plane with magic and sword. He has completed his apprenticeship and has begun traveling on his own, seeking out dangers to this world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

fit from his training, though not noticably muscular.

Body Features

Haze has slate gray skin and glowing blue eyes, his horns grow close to his head and he's able to wear a hood without much issue.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Haze has no idea where he was born, his first memory is being dragged through a portal, his short legs struggling to keep up as the tall man who held him strode through right before it closed. This man's name was Koal and he became Haze's mentor and caretaker. Koal was a Fire Genasi who fought to keep dangerous creatures from the different planes of existence from entering the material plane. These are the skills he has taught Haze

Trained to fight the creatures of the multiverse that might desire harm to the material plane, Haze is a somber man of action.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
slate gray
6 ft
175 lbs