Henge Yokai

Henge Yokai

Tim: There he is!

Arthur: Where?

Tim: There!

Arthur: What? Behind the rabbit?

Tim: It is the rabbit!

Arthur: You silly sod!

Tim: What?

Arthur: You got us all worked up!

Tim: Well, that's no ordinary rabbit.

Arthur: Ohh.

Tim: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!

Robin: You tit! I soiled my armor I was so scared!

Tim: Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!

Galahad: Get stuffed!

Tim: He'll do you up a treat, mate.

Galahad: Oh, yeah?

Robin: You mangy Scots git!

Tim: I'm warning you!

Robin: What's he do? Nibble your bum?

Tim: He's got huge, sharp... er... He can leap about. Look at the bones!

Arthur: Go on, Bors. Chop his head off!

Bors: Right! Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew comin' right up!

from the Beast of Caerbannog

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Henge is slight, lithe, and muted in tone. Much of his prowess stems from being too small to worry about, until he is already within striking distance.

Body Features

The rogue has sandy colored, tan fur which is thick, but sleek. His ears are usually folded down, falling midway along his back. He wears dark leather armor that fits snugly to his form, complete with greaves and vambraces, but keeps his hindfeet unshod and his forepaws ungloved.

Facial Features

Henge has long whiskers and dark, almond-shaped eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Though he wears the uniform of his warriors and has fur the color of many of his kin, Henge always wears a distinctive forest green scarf that trails behind him as he runs.

Physical quirks

Instinctively accustomed to evasive maneuvers, Henge often runs in a zigzag pattern even when a straight line to his destination would be most expedient.

Apparel & Accessories

Aside from the dark boiled leather of his armor, and his token green scarf, the rogue carries a hornbow and a satchel.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As larger intelligent species began to settle in the Laurelglow Region, the peaceful Harengon were displaced, forced deeper into the wild places. Most went feral, but a small group of resistance fighters emerged which sought to reclaim their ancestral homes. Henge was one such member of these warriors.

Gender Identity

Henge is male.


Henge is heterosexual.


Henge was raised in a close-knit community which valued education. Books were highly prized among his people and he has a breadth of knowledge among a wide variety of topics as a result.


As a member of the resistance, Henge has little opportunity for traditional employment. He does run a brisk trade selling property seized from the group's targets when he occasionally visits a settlement.

Mental Trauma

Henge and his brother Katanga lost their father when they were both very young to pillagers. Their mother has taken ill, but is cared for by their nomadic community. This instills a certain amount of desperation into their activities and both share anxiety that something will happen to the other, leaving them alone.

Intellectual Characteristics

Henge collects new flowers when he first encounters them and keeps them in a pressbook. He values them more than gold or gemstones.

Morality & Philosophy

Henge sees himself as a defender of his people, and believes his community is on the verge of extinction. He feels justified in most any action he takes to secure their continued survival, even some acts outsiders would find unpallatable.


Henge finds the practice of taking trophies from slain foes abhorrent and unforgivable.

Personality Characteristics


Henge's community has been pushed out of their homeland by settlers. He intends to recover what was taken from them.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Although clever and well educated, Henge's small size and furry appearance have long led to his exclusion from formal events in more metropolitan locales. As such he has a dearth of experience with the pleasantries of high society.

Likes & Dislikes

Henge is a strict vegetarian. He'll make himself scarce if allies consume meat in his presence.

Virtues & Personality perks

Henge is very community oriented, and his people respect him for his service.

Vices & Personality flaws

Henge is desperate to change the course his people are on, and is willing to take extreme measures to save them.

Personality Quirks

Henge rarely, if ever, moves in a straight line towards his goal.


Henge keeps is armor well oiled and his fur well groomed.


Contacts & Relations

Katanga Yokai, brother and fellow member of the resistance.

Kumo Yokai, their aged and bedridden mother.

Family Ties

Henge fights alongside his brother, Katanga. Their mother, Kumo, stays with their community which travels constantly to stay in hiding.

Religious Views

While Katanga is a particularly devout follower of the True Path, Henge has grown disiluusioned with the fairth, and believes only a pragmatic approach to problems will save his people.

Social Aptitude

Henge is socially gifted, but has gaps in his understanding of upper class society. He can entertain a tavern full of friends for a whole night, but comes off as boorish or unrefined when diplomacy is called for.


Henge has a tendency to tap his foot quickly and rhythmically when nervous or impatient.

Hobbies & Pets

Henge collects wildflowers to pass the time, valueing any varieties he has yet to encounter.


Henge tends to speak with a metered cadence, as though he's quoting something or reciting poetry, even if that is rarely the case.

Wealth & Financial state

What little extra coin Henge manages to acquire goes directly into feeding and sheltering his people.

A flash of tan fur and dark leather expertly crafted to match the autumnal underbrush are the hallmarks of this half of the lagomorphic larcenists.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Dark brown
Tan, sandy fur
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, sandy fur
2' 11"
39 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"One's a mystery. Two's a joke. Three will cost ya, til' four is broke."

"Catch 'em, bash 'em, cut 'em, clean 'em."
Known Languages
Henge speaks Common, Thieves’ Cant, and Undercommon