Krzzak Alikesh

Krzzak Alikesh

When Krzzak’s home was ravaged in the Last War, he and his clan became refugees in Sharn. A few of the avian shifters, Krzzak included, used their natural abilities to get work on House Lyrandar airships. One day, there was an accident, and the crystal in which a ship’s elemental was bound started pulsating wildly with elemental magic. Krzzak was caught up in the arcane storm and was rendered invalid for months. When he recovered, he discovered that he had a certain connection to magic, much like a sixth sense of it. He was able to move objects with his mind and manifest arcane energy in the form of a sword blade. Seeking to better understand these gifts, he said goodbye to his clan and embarked on a journey. Before long the mists swallowed him up and he appeared in Dragonsmoke Archipelago.   His search for answers led him to a wanderer with similar abilities who had been making a stir in a small settlement, leading the villagers in meditative exercises. After joining in, Krzzak implored the wanderer to teach him. The Matua Ka’i adept agreed and took in the young Shifter to tutor him on the Flow and the Path of the Matua Ka’i. In turn, Krzzak plans to show others the way and awaken new connections to the Flow.
Lawful Neutral
Dull Orange
Ginger red mixed with blue feathers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light peach/Scaly Indigo (Shifted)
6 feet
145 lbs