L'oiseau Estlemot

L'oiseau Estlemot

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

L'oiseau is of advanced age for his kind, and moves about in a hunched posture. Most adult humans would describe him as short and thin, but he is of average height and build for a kenku.

Body Features

The kenku stoops when he walks, but has few other physical characteristics that would distinguish him from any other member of his people. He is rarely seen outside of his ceremonial robes, even while travelling.

Facial Features

The design of L'oiseau's hood conceals most of his face, but for his beak, which descends from the covering several inches, due to his posture.

Identifying Characteristics

L'oiseau wears hooded ceremonial robes of white, purple, gold, and blue to represent the four winds. He is never seen without them, and few enough of the Kenku are encountered that it would be unlikely to mistake a different priest for him.

Physical quirks

As a kenku, L'oiseau is able to perfectly mimic any voice he has heard. He enjoys repeating the chants of kenku choirs singing hymns that he directed in his youth.

Apparel & Accessories

L'ouisea wears ceremonial robes with wide sleeves and a heavy hood, multiple talismans representing the many faces of Pazuzu hang from his neck, wrists, and hood. He carries a bronze censer and a staff of office, each inscribed with divine symbols.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

L'oiseau entered the clergy at a very young age even by Kenku standards. The community in which he was raised was particularly devout, but faced constant threat from outside forces which viewed it as a den of evil. When crusaders eventually swept through his homeland, L'oiseau fled along with a small group of refugees. He secretly regrets not remaining to be martyred with his people.

Gender Identity

L'oiseau identifies as male.


L'oiseau is heterosexual.


L'oiseau is well read, particularly on the topic of the various religions of Faerun.


L'oiseau enjoys a stipend from the temple of Pazuzu for his efforts on those occasions that he returns home from mission.

Intellectual Characteristics

L'oiseau sees other faiths as adversarial and seeks to corrupt their worshippers into his following.

Morality & Philosophy

Though he is devout, L'oiseau worships a demon lord as one would a god. His morality is fundamentally corrupt, but his personal philosophy justifies it through selective denial of reality.


L'oiseau views harpies, gargoyles, manticores, and wyverns as sacred messengers of Pazuzu and will not commit violence against such creatures.

Personality Characteristics


L'oiseau travels the world seeking to proselytize for Pazuzu. He secretly is also searching for clues to the origin of the crusaders which raided his homeland.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Though he effects an air of understanding and compromise, L'oiseau has difficulty fully masking his contempt for followers of other faiths, particularly when they are especially devout.

Virtues & Personality perks

L'oiseau routinely performs acts of charity and benevolence, but always for the sake of luring potential worshippers into the fold.

Personality Quirks

A bizarre fermented lambs' meat, not unlike mutton, is a delicacy among the kenku, and L'oiseau enjoys it tremendously, despite the fact that most races find its odor nauseating.


L'oiseau keeps his robes washed and pressed and his feathers well preened. He is obsessive about appearances.


Contacts & Relations

L'oiseau travels with a page by the name of Toutlemonde Aentendu, but where L'oiseau is an orator, Toutlemonde is a fixer. The latter uses burglary and other nefarious means to secure leverage against potential targets.

Family Ties

Most of L'oiseau's family were slain, but for a few distant relations. He views all Kenku as his family, provided they have not turned from the fold.

Religious Views

L'oiseau is a devout worshipper of Pazuzu.

Social Aptitude

Navigating social strata is difficult for a kenku, but easier for a priest, provided those he is associating with are not too well versed in his particular sphere of worship. He is clever and diplomatic and possesses a sufficient vocabulary to convey most any message he wishes.


As a kenku, L'oiseau can only ever repeat what he has personally heard, but he has intentionally heard much in order to overcome this obstacle. The bulk of his vocabulary was drawn from the various academies of the world, so he speaks with a professorial air, that is not entirely warranted.

Wealth & Financial state

L'oiseau has been away on mission for quite some time now, and his funds are significantly depleted, but he generally enjoys a comfortable lifestyle afforded him by a generous stipend from the temple.

The discordant, gentle chime of a dozen symbols of worship as this avian priest turns his head. Festooned with robes of authority and swinging a smoking censer, the kenku opens his black beak and chants with the voice of a full choir.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Evil
Black Feathers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft.
94 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"An ignoras avem?"

"Nae, omnes loquuntur de ave!"

"Verbum avis est!"
Known Languages
L'oiseau can emulate Common, Elvish, and Sylvan speech.