Molavakri Mennari

Molavakri Mennari

They were in the wrong place. They had gotten lost and it was all her fault. She had just wanted to use her gifts to help the villagers, but they ended up blaming her for everything that went wrong. Blaming her whole family. So her parents packed everyone up, but her and her sister, leaving them behind to make sure they got everything and left on a ship to head back to their hometown.   It was supposed to be just a short ocean crossing. But as the sailors set down the gangplank, she had asked one of them "What city is this?" and they replied "Wildcross." Now she and her sister were at the end of the pier, unsure what to do.   Taking a deep breath, Molavakri turned to her younger sister Vishara, "First we secure lodgings. Then we look for work. Soon we'll have enough to sail again and get back to our family." Vis just nodded, but she looked a little more hopeful than she had a second ago. Molavakri thought "If only it's actually that easy." but shook her head. She had to be strong for her sister and get her to their new home.

Powerful psychic warrior

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