Rola Macaba

Rola Macaba

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

I am familiar with heavy chores, and laborious work has kept me relatively fit. I'm taller, standing nearly as tall as the average man, though I do not yet know that, for I have not been around many of my same race.

Facial Features

Despite my young age, I have creases in my brow. Perhaps from the scowl that I wore towards the keepers of my youth, and the thought of my family's abandonment of me had something to do with it.

Identifying Characteristics

Most notably, my green skin. Followed by the branches that grow from my head like antlers. And my long white hair, like a swan's feather.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I was taken by my successful merchant parents when I was a young girl, at about six years of age, to a coven of hags shortly after having taken a nearly-fatal fall when my parents had taken me to see one of the great wonders of our world. I'd been bedridden for days, comatose, head swollen.   To save me, my parents took desperate measures, taking me to this coven of hags to request a blessing. A boon for their daughter. The witches cackled and chortled, obliging to my desperate parents' plea. The hags healed their daughter, but the healing did not come without price. My appearance changed to match that of the wood; green skin and white hair. Branches growing from my scalp like antlers.   For some reason, my parents abandoned me. Though I didn't know it. I can't remember anything before the day I'd woken up. I know I was abandoned, for people had families--and I had none. Even the creatures of this strange land that had no resemblence of me had families...   I suffered mistreatment from the hags for much of my childhood, though I thought it ordinary and the fact of life. Those terrible, warty, saggy old hags. For much of this time, in their swamp in the Feywild, I, Rola, caused anything beautiful around me to wilt and droop.   It wasn't until I stumbled upon him whilst I was out collecting reagents for the coven that I noticed the flowers not wilt, but bloom, around me! Something changed that day; instead of returning to those awful hags, I accompanied this man. And I never looked back.

Gender Identity





Instructed in the ways of the hags; I know reagents, I know the wood, and I know how to persuade things of nature to assist me.


One-time hag servant. Now a freed woman with the world before me.

Mental Trauma

My family abandoned me, for whatever reason, to a coven of hags... I cannot remember who they were, why they left me, and how I came into the possession of a coven of hags.

Personality Characteristics


Explore this wonderful new world where things perk up instead of droop down.   Grudge. I hold a grudge against my family for abandoning me. I hold a grudge against those hags for treating me the way they did; for withholding information, for causing me to withdraw into myself and build up all of this emotion, frustration, and anger.


Contacts & Relations

Haze Bloodburn   Coven of Hags
  • Whistling Diane Bouldermind
  • Paltry Rebecca Slimedabble
  • Bony Rosemarie Swampshifter
  • Moldy Dana Sootsquirmer

Rola Macaba, rejected daughter of forgotten parents who'd taken her to the hags to be offered a boon. But she was cursed, too, with white hair and green skin, branches that grew from her scalp like antlers.

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Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence
In Transit
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 7"
Known Languages
    • Common