Sahm Yu Eru

Sahm Yu Eru

Screeching and hissing, the slavering predators shuddered with adrenaline as they rounded on the figure, but something instinctive held them at bay. The warrior stood alone in their midst, illuminated by the solitary light of an energy blade which cast a violet hue, reflected in the eyes of the monsters. In a flash, he swung his blade with a ferocity inconsistent with his stone faced serious expression. As the blade danced, leaving afterimages with its speed, the reaching claws of the monsters were severed from their limbs, and, as one, their will broke and they began to flee.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though not exceptionally bulky, Sahm Yu is toned and lithe from years of physical conditioning.

Body Features

This agile warrior is tall and lithe, with long legs, arms, and fingers.

Facial Features

Sahm Yu keeps his scalp and face cleanly shaved. He has striking, hawkish features and a high forehead.

Physical quirks

Sahm Yu tends to hold his weaveblade at such a low ready position that he appears to have dropped his guard, even with the weapon powered. This is at odds with his serious, focused expression.

Apparel & Accessories

Sahm Yu travels in wide flowing robes which are light enough to avoid restricting his motion, but which help to conceal his stance and mask his preparatory movement. He generally carries only his weaveblade and occasionally a drawstring bag.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like most of his order, he was inducted very young. He struggled with the patience and focus necessary to become a Jed'ah in his early years, but eventually learned to channel his frustration into creating an eye of calm within the storm around him.

Gender Identity

Sahm Yu identifies as male.


Sahm Yu is heterosexual.


Sahm Yu received a traditional and comprehensive education in the history of the Jed'ah faith.


Sahm Yu is presently a Knight in good standing with the Jed'ah Order.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sahm Yu is naturally very perceptive of social cues and expertly cuts to the heart of a discussion, setting aside niceties for action in a diplomatic way. His inherent confidence leaves little room for disagreement from less bombastic individuals.

Morality & Philosophy

Sahm Yu believes first and foremost that any government serves at the will of its people and that the individual whims of leaders are secondary to codified laws, when such laws are designed for the purpose of protecting the public. When laws fail to do so, they laws must be changed, but they cannot be discarded without consensus.

Personality Characteristics


Sahm Yu sees himself as a servant of the people and feels it is the responsibility of those granted the privilege of leadership to shepherd their fellows. He is aware of a great darkness plagueing the world and seeks to act as a beacon for the fearful and the helpless.

Virtues & Personality perks

Sahm Yu is steadfast, committed, and possesses a wellspring of confidence and vitality.

Vices & Personality flaws

As a man of action, Sahm Yu can sometimes be too quick to act and pass judgment, if he understands the law to be on his side.


Family Ties

Sahm Yu was taken from Ghôsh Eru as a young boy and has had limited contact with them since, by design. His people are aware of his prominence within the order and are proud of him, but are held at a respectful distance. The Order serves as his family now.

Religious Views

Sahm Yu is a devout follower of the Jed'ah Path.

Social Aptitude

As a Knight of the Jed'ah Order, Sahm Yu is held in high regard wherever the Order is respected, but it carries with it the weight of prejudice in communities which feel the Jed'ah has failed or abandoned them.


Sahm Yu's speech is very specific and direct. He says precisely what he means and spares little effort on flowery praise or unnecessary diplomacy.

Wealth & Financial state

While considered akin to nobility, followers of the Jed'ah faith enjoy a mostly ascetic lifestyle. What wealth that is presented to the Order is used for the construction and maintenance of their monasteries or the employment of their assistants.

Armored in nothing but drab brown robes, and wielding naught but a sword hilt, stones began to swirl about the dark skinned warrior as he faced the enemy. As a blade of pure violet energy appeared in his hand, the enemy took an involuntary step back.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Jed'ah Knight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"
183 lbs.
Known Languages
Sahm Yu speaks Common, Elvish, Modron, and Primordial fluently.