Vel Kymech

Vel Kymech

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A precise assembly of interlocking gears, smooth pneumatic pistons, and meticulously fashioned plates built to exacting specifications.

Body Features

To those unfamiliar with Vel's society, the various radials and accoutrement which compose its structure might appear purely decorative, but each structure serves a purpose. It might most easily be described as a lionfish given human form.

Facial Features

To say that Vel's expression is inscrutable would be akin to describing bedrock as impassable. The term is accurate, but fails to convey the full weight of the circumstance.

Identifying Characteristics

Vel looks like most of its kind, for those who have had the opportunity to encounter them, with the only distinguishing characteristic being the weapons it carries.

Physical quirks

An audible ticking can be heard moments before Vel begins to move.

Special abilities

As a warforged, many things Vel is capable of are second nature to it. It lacks the need to stop to sleep, drink, or even breathe. It could be described as the most terrifying pursuit predator, were it not for the fact that it doesn't eat.

Apparel & Accessories

Vel, to a certain degree, is their apparel and accessories. The armor that serves as its skin is as much a part of it as the weapons it carries in its hands and the jewels that function for its eyes.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Vel does not possess a gender identity.


Vel is asexual.


Vel was built with the sum total knowledge necessary to perform its duties, and has little interest in topics outside of that limited scope of understanding. That is not to say that it is a fool, it simply possesses little in the way of traditional knowledge of politics, religion, magic, or social niceties.


Vel is a manifestation of its duty. It was designed from the earliest drafts to seek and destroy enemies of the Clockwise. Though it does not take pay for this work, it also has little use for currency.

Failures & Embarrassments

Vel does not experience embarrassment. It is what it is.

Mental Trauma

Well adjusted people do not leave home to fight dragons, but Vel is perfectly suited to the society which created it. Its purpose was to leave, because that is where the targets went.

Morality & Philosophy

Vel does not speculate, it analyzes. Questions of greater purpose and meaning matter little beyond predicting behavior to assist in tracking a target. Other, more specialized minds can be left the task of pondering the great questions.


Vel does not lie, seeing no need to. If Vel believes it knows where the target is, it will go there. Anything that stands in its way becomes a new target.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Vel is nothing if not dutiful. Its allegiance is to the Clockwise above all else, but it does not lie, and considers any promise it makes to hold the weight of a contractual obligation.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vel can be too honest, sparing little consideration for others' feelings. It does not intend to insult anyone, but it also does not feel like truths would ever be insulting.


Vel possesses no skin to sweat from, nor any hair to shed. It wears no cloth for mold or mildew to gain purchase, and it eats nothing, nor excretes nothing. It is not concerned with hygiene, as it has no reason to be.


Contacts & Relations

Vel serves the Clockwise. They, in turn, provide it with community and purpose.

Family Ties

Mal Kymech was crafted in the same printing as Vel. It is the closest thing to a sibling that Vel has.

Religious Views

Duty to the Clockwise serves as the bedrock of Vel's belief system. It does not worship them in the strictest sense of the word, but it could not even conceptualize disobedience.

Social Aptitude

Outside of Ga'Jet, Vel would be and is considered socially inept. It is blunt, literal, and impatient, while simultaneously lacking any of the physical attractiveness or financial stability that would encourage someone to overlook those flaws.


Vel's speech is abrupt, monotone, and literal. There is an almost musical hum when it speaks.

Wealth & Financial state


The rhythmic clicking of a music box spinning up to speed echoes through the vaulted chamber, accompanied by the rasp of steel on steel, but the melody never comes. Haunting green eyes, not like jewels, but jewels for true glow from within the helm.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 5"
220 lbs.
Known Languages
Vel speaks Common, Abyssal, Draconic, Infernal, Minotaur, and Modron.