Saucer and Cup Office

This is the smallest of the Offices of Lost Things and it is housed by a quaint little tatched roof cottage that appeared in the world complete with a surrounding fenced garden and a path through a small oak wood.   At first glance the garden seems to look like a regular country cottage garden, with flowering bushes, a well tended pebbles path to the front door and a bench under the single window.   Looking closely, though, someone might notice a frenetic activity and little disguised structures poking out of the bushes leaves and nested under the shadow of the bench or inside flower pots.   These are not mere decorative fairy houses, but part of the Microns settlement.   This Office, in fact, houses the Saucer and Cup portal, which happens to be the preferred portal for the micron's species to land on XXX. Over the years a population of 167 industrious humanoids arrived on XXX through it and started creating a new city for themselves inside and outside the Office.   Almost every shelf and surface of the cottage is now occupied by the Micron's buildings and wires go from one to the other to facilitate the transport of little people and objects from one shelf to the other (though the Microns are excitedly working on developing large scale aircraft and make transport even more efficient).   Only the small bedroom has so far been left intact, through negotiation with the Clerk who runs the office who bartered some space for themself in exchange for continuius provision of construction materials for the tireless creatures.   Some other small creatures arrive through the Saucer and Cup portal, who don't seem to belong to the same universe as the Microns and are therefore housed in isolation in small glass vivariums until they are acclimatated enough to be able to survive outside.


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