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Grand City of Kislyth


Located as the aptly named Kislyth strait lies The Grand City of Kislyth, also referred to as The Grand City or simply Kislyth. A horizon-spanning marvel of engineering, the city is by all means its own nation. The city spans both sides of the strait, and postures heavy defenses to ward of anyone seeking the city's riches or the power which comes with holding such a strategic position in the world's trade network. The first to establish a permanent village here did so for its natural resources. The bay provided a natural warm water port, and the reasonably shallow water provided calm seas and easily accessible seafood. As naval technology expanded, so did the small fishing town. It quickly became a hot spot for commerce and conflict as different rulers and organizations sought to control the wealth and power the town controlled.  


Due to the size of the megalopolis, the true number of inhabitants are near impossible to know. However, scholars who has reviewed available census data from different states believe near a tenth of the worlds sentient creatures to delve within the city's limits.   The population of Kislyth is a assortment of all sentient species. Sentient species to be determined


The Witan - The Witan is a small council consisting of 13 members. Each member has the title of Shah (Equivalent to a king), but in relation to their council role they might simply be referred to as "a Witan". Each Witan holds their council position for life, or until the rest of the council unanimously vote them out every day for a month. A new Witan is selected from the Council fo Sharban, and requires the votes of at least two thirds of the council.   Council of Sharbans  - The Sharban council consists of all those who holds the title of Sharban. Sharbans holds the power to one district each, and only people with this title can ever hope to ascent to the title of Witan. They are in some sense the lords of their individual districts, and answers only to the Witan council.   The Small Council - The small council consists of selected members of the community. Each guild and temple gets one representative. Each district may have one or more mayor depending on their status, and each mayor may attend the council. The people in each district is allowed to select three representatives for each mayor the district has. There are no formal requirements to be selected for this position, other than the selected individual cannot be a slave or an indentured servant at the time of selection  


The first established settlements on the Kislyth bank happened millennials ago. Back then, the northern and southern bank was far from united. The southern bank would focus on fishing and keeping husbandry as their semiarid climate could not support crops. These villages would trade with the villages spread across the northern bank whenever possible to get access to what they could not grow themselves. Ignoring the occasional raid / conflict between different villages, this was the spark which prompted a few villages to build harbors which could support larger ships, and thus trade bigger bulks of goods. The most notable of these villages was the village of Kislyth. Its original location is now found in the middle of the northern bank, fairly central to the entirety of the Grand City


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