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Adjudicator's Code

The Treaty of 241st Street is a 402-page document, which contains many examples of Adjudicator's Code. Due to the translation of the document itself into Common from the ancient Infernal in which it was written, the vast majority of the nuances concealed in Code have been clumsily collapsed into meandering sentences and the artistry of the language lost on the general public. Below is a sample of the translated document.    
  • 2-1a. Each "Treaty-Bound Macro-organization" (as previously defined in the Lawmage's Appendix of Terms, henceforth written as "Guild," "guild," plural "guilds") is responsible for the creation and enforcement of its own culture and bylaws. Each Guild is required to have its own active governing body of living, sapient, non-deity officials capable of meeting bi-weekly with select members of the Centurion Council.
  • 2-1b. Each Guild is considered equal in the eyes of the law, while remaining the foremost experts on its own subject, role, and people group. However, in the event of extreme consolidation of power by or on behalf of a guild [n.b.: The Infernal here becomes an illegible, intranslatable slop of never-before-seen characters. Related to the Shadowweavers ?]
  • 2-1c. No members of one guild can exercise power over members of another, save under the specific circumstances detailed in Section 4: Law Enforcement and Community Safety in Crisis Situations. The specific details as to which individuals are considered "members" shall be decided by the mandatory governing body of each Guild.
  • 2-1d. Failure of an individual to uphold Section 2-1c on behalf of a guild to follow these regulations may result in censor of that individual, fines, or more severe corporal punishment, dependent on severity. Refer to Section 3: Law Enforcement and Civil Order.
  • 2-1e. Violence enacted upon a member of a Guild by a non-member individual is to be settled by the individuals and guilds involved, unless the Sentinels of Thunder are required to hold the offending individual temporarily in order to prevent further violence; refer to Section 4- Subsection 2, and Section 7: Description and Role of the Sentinels of Thunder as A Treaty-Bound Macro-organization.

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