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Pantheon List

The gods are not concise beings like mortals, and thus lake in for of mortality. The alignment of a follower can generally be anything so long as they follow the ideals of their god. In some cases may not be possible a follower of Libra may have to be Neutral to a high degree. In addition, Edicts and Anathema were written by the heads of religious groups following each deity are a subject to impartial truth, it is possible to break an anathema and still be granted favor from the gods. The mortals that wrote their anathemas also wrote them to make their gods appear virtuous but may have no such awareness to tell good from evil on the absoluteness of their domains.
Devotee Benefits are just the most common and standard of each benefit, so long as it fits with a god domain they can be alternated to other things, or from expansion books. All listed weapons, domains, and spells are from the core rule book only. Italicized domains are the primary domains for each deity if any standout, and an asterisk* means homebrew domain.  

Deus, King of Gods

  Edict One must follow their leaders, and their leaders must lead justly. Tyranny is not acceptable and it's the duty of the people and other rulers to stop tyrants.
Anathema Abuse of power, in any form, is forbidden.
Symbol A Crown
Realm Palace of the Gods
Appearance Is Typically shown as a generic rule of the culture, also commonplace to be shown alongside past great leaders. Dawning a golden crown with a longsword in hand.
Worship Followed by the nobility, taught and studied by those who are either born to rule or wish to rule.
Holy Text Regiis Regula
Temples Shrines are common in any worship hall, but temples appear rarely outside places. Many rulers have statues built in their courtyards or in places of the dead.
Relic Crown of Deus - said to make its wear the greatest leader, bolstering their followers, controlling the will of their enemies, and supernatural abilities that assist in decision making.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Diplomacy
Favored Weapon longsword
Domains confidence, fate, truth, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: charm, 3rd: enthrall, 7th: power word blind

Draco, Dragons’ Father

  Edict It is the will of the dragons to achieve greatness. It's more than just the natural power of dragons, but the thirst for more.
Anathema Never bring death to my kin, unless they are actively hostile or you are assisting in another dragon.
Symbol Dragon Head
Realm Dragon’s Roost
Appearance Is shown as a platinum dragon.
Worship Followed primarily by Dragonborn, and adventurous individuals.
Holy Text Draco Scriptor
Temples Within dragonborn settlements, grand in size meant for a possible dragon to rest if needed, also used as a location for dragonborn towns to order their wealth.
Relic Draco's Egg - An orb that can grant the power of dragons, and if proven gives the user the soul of a dragon making them a true dragon.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Intimidation
Favored Weapon halberd
Domains ambition, destruction, indulgence, tyranny
Cleric Spells 1st: burning hands, 5th: summon dragon, 6th: dragon form

Clypeus, Shieldmaiden

  Edict The strong must protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Anathema Never pillage, in any of its many forms, and stop others from taking advantage during times of chaos.
Symbol A Shield Realm Keep of the Kind
Appearance Usually female, race varies, in heavy armor and shield-wielding her heavy mace.
Worship Her followers, called Templars, either travel the world helping those in need or stay and defend their homes.
Holy Text Custodi Dei
Temples Place of worship normally doubles as barracks and typically holds practicality over decorations.
Relic Shield of Clypeus - A shield that can make the user nearly invulnerable to magic, and returns the spells cast at it, as well as blocking normal attacks with ease.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Heal
Divine Skill Diplomacy
Favored Weapon mace
Domains healing, might, protection, sun
Cleric Spells 1st: sleep, 2nd: blur, 5th: telepathic bond

Ferox, Beast King

Edict Nature and its creatures are not resources for the greedy.
Anathema Animals and plants are only to be killed for survival, and all of their beings is to be utilized.
Realm The Wilds
Appearance Either as a local predatory beast, or an elderly elven man in fur.
Worship Most followers are those of the druidic order.
Holy Text Leges Feram
Temples Outdoors and overgrown with nature. Many small animals end up living within Ferox’s temples.
Relic Mask of Ferox - A mask that can adapt to many animals in appearance granting great power of the related animals, and can call animals from far away to assist as allies. Example: Bear makes the user incredibly strong and hearty.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Nature
Favored Weapon longbow
Domains dream, freedom, moon, nature
Cleric Spells 1st: summon animal, 2nd: speak with animals, 6th: tangling creepers

Libra, Lord of Balance

Edict “Perfection, Patients, Practice.”
Anathema “Do not get yourself involved, if it does not involve you.”
Realm Floating Islands
Appearance A monk-like person, gender and race very, robed and in meditation.
Worship Followed by monks, and simple folk the wish for a stress-free life.
Holy Text Cessabit
Temples Monasteries, mostly at mountain peaks, of training the mind, body, and soul.
Relic Libra’s Wraps - These wrappings go around the forearm and grant the users the ability to pacify others and themselves.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Acrobatics
Favored Weapon bo staff
Domains knowledge, magic, perfection, truth
Cleric Spells 1st: fleet step, 3rd: haste, 4th: blink

Tempus, Timekeeper

Edict “Time is of the essence, wait for the perfect moment to use your advantage.”
Anathema “Never lose track of time, everything depends on when it happens.”
Realm Sundial
Appearance Elderly man or woman, head raised to the sky. The attire of local customs.
Worship Favored by farmers, timekeepers, and very few others.
Holy Text Ephemeris
Temples Older temples are outdoors with a sundial in the center, with a seat around. The newer versions are still circular but enclosed with a large clock face on the center floor.
Relic Tempus’ Glasses - When peering through the glass the untrained eye can see only chaos, and train on can see the future, present, and past all at once.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Survival
Favored Weapon nunchaku
Domains fate, knowledge, moon, sun
Cleric Spells 2nd: blur, 3rd: haste and slow

Curae, Caretaker of the Fallen

Edict “Those fallen need a safe way to the gods, and a respected afterlife.”
Anathema “Respect the dead, and hold silence for the fallen, even if they are a foe.”
Realm Graveyard of Tears
Appearance A tall figure in tattered robes, usually crying.
Worship Followers usually are those who have lost those most important to them, and healer of the sick and injured.
Holy Text Mors Auxilium
Temples Most are the place of the morning, with catacombs underneath. They also offer healing and aid to all.
Relic Eye of Curae - This necklace holds the power for one to tie life to the Graveyard, meaning upon death they are sent to Curae’s realm still in their mortal form. Making, in most accounts, immortal, as they can travel back to the mortal plane.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Medicine
Favored Weapon scythe
Domains death, fate, healing, undeath
Cleric Spells 1st: soothe, 4th: clairvoyance, 5th: crushing despair

Honos, Keeper of Oaths

Edict “Stay loyal to others, and bring honor and glory to your people.”
Anathema “Never break a promise, contract, oath or anything of the form.”
Realm The Courtroom
Appearance A dwarven male noble, masculine and armored. With a very decorative beard.
Worship Followed by paladins, law-keepers, dwarves, and bringers of justice.
Holy Text Code Petra
Temples Statues of him are commonly found in courthouses.
Relic Honos’s Pen - A contract written with this pen is unbreakable, but must be willingly signed by all involved parties.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Diplomacy
Favored Weapon warhammer
Domains confidence, might, truth, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: true strike, 2nd: phantom steed, 4th: weapon storm

Fabula, Keeper of Stories

Edict “Stories teach to youth great lessons, so they may further mortal life.”
Anathema “Elders have already experienced many challenges, trust their judgment.”
Realm The Great Library
Appearance An elder, gender varies by culture, in robes reading a book or teaching.
Worship Teachers, writers, academics, and historians.
Holy Text Fabula Magna
Temples Many libraries and universities double as religious centers of Fabula.
Relic Fabula’s Journal - The god’s own journal accounts for a highly detailed history of all planes from the start of its existence until now.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Society
Favored Weapon battle ax
Domains family, knowledge, magic, truth
Cleric Spells 1st: mindlink, 3rd: mind reading, 5th: telepathic bond

Elementum, Elemental Master

Edict “Creation is the work of gods, utilize your own ability to understand everything deeper.”
Anathema “The elements must maintain a balance and respect for each other.”
Realm The Workshop
Appearance A craftsman of various trades, this is the embodiment of all four elements at once.
Worship Followed by craftsmen, evocation mages, and those of elemental heritage.
Holy Text Disciplinam Manual
Temples Shrines are commonplace at workshops, but full temples are uncommon outside craft-orientated societies like dwarves.
Relic Elementum’s Bracer - This bracer has a triangle that can be rotated along ith a toggle bar to make the symbols of the four elements, which when selected great powers of the associated typing.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm
Divine Skill Crafting
Favored Weapon maul
Domains air, earth, fire, water
Cleric Spells 1st: hydraulic push, 2nd: summon elemental, 3rd: fireball, 4th: gaseous form, 5th: element form, 6th: flesh to stone

Mercor, Trade Master

Edict “Trade is key to civilization.”
Anathema “Honest trades are the only acceptable form of profit, and work that doesn’t bring harm others.”
Realm Long Road
Appearance A wealthy Merchant
Worship Followed almost solely by merchants and traders.
Holy Text Paciscor
Temples Many shops have shrines or depictions of him, along with most caravans. True temples double as banks.
Relic Mercor’s Coin Purse - A source of endless wealth, and endless ability to destroy money. The regulation of this ability is Mercor himself as he regulates the global economy within his grand bank.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Diplomacy
Favored Weapon shortsword
Domains air, travel, water, wealth
Cleric Spells 1st: floating disk, 3rd: shrink item, 6th: teleport

Artem, King of Arts

Edict “Happiness and creativity are the greatest parts of life.”
Anathema “One should never deface, or claim ownership, of others' works.”
Realm The Grand Stage
Appearance A large variety of creative types depending on the culture.
Worship Followed by a wide variety of artists, craftsmen, and bards.
Holy Text Aliquam
Temples His symbol is imprinted in many trade tools and instruments, as his temples are places of art and theater.
Relic Artem’s Tools - A toolbox that can craft, repair, and otherwise manipulate magical items.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Preformace
Favored Weapon rapier
Domains creation, dreams, nightmares, passion
Cleric Spells 1st: color spray, 3rd: hypnotic pattern, 5th: cloak of colors

Bellum, Warchief

Edict “The heat of the battle is the way to prove superiority in your ideas.”
Anathema “War brings chaos, but show mercy when your enemy gives in.”
Realm The Battlefield
Appearance A general of the local culture.
Worship Followed by warlike cultures and military leaders.
Holy Text Ars belli
Temples Shrines to him are commonplace at war camps and in armories, but full temples are rare outside non-war place cultures.
Relic Bellums’s Weapon - A morphing weapon to the user’s preference, that can consume magical power from slain foes to grant itself further power.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Athletics
Favored Weapon greatpick
Domains destruction, might, pain, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: mage armor, 2nd: enlarge, 7th: energy aegis

Umbra, Shadow King

Edict “There is no need for sight, as only your action will be felt.”
Anathema “Secrets are to be kept, not shared.”
Realm Courtroom of Secrets
Appearance Only his symbol is used as a depiction.
Worship Worshipers are commonplace among political advisors, and many have purposefully removed their own sight, fully or partially.
Holy Text Verbis Latet
Temples Unlit buildings of whispers and plots.
Relic Blindfold of Umbra - Allows the wearer to see without sight. Understand what's around them, and see past falsehoods. They are guided to what they need and can cause permanent blindness in others.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Stealth
Favored Weapon dagger
Domains darkness, knowledge, secrecy, trickery
Cleric Spells 1st: illusory disguise, 2nd: invisibility, 5th: shadow walk

Libertas, Master of Freedom

Edict “The freedom of choice is liberating.”
Anathema “I gave you freedom, thus I will never restrict that ideal, and neither should you”
Realm The Campsite
Appearance Shown as a carefree individual, varies greatly.
Worship Followed by those who seek or embrace freedom, favored by rebellions.
Holy Text Cassum Liber
Temples Temples are rare, but shrines are commonplace among many.
Relic Glove of Libertas - The glove can remove restrictions, in all its forms.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Occultism
Favored Weapon flail
Domains ambition, freedom, luck, nothingness*
Cleric Spells 1st: grim tendrils, 5th: black tentacles, 9th: weird

Amare, The All-Father

Edict “Family and love are the core of mortality, something the divine cannot experience.”
Anathema “Your family comes first, before everything, do not betray them.”
Realm The Mansion
Appearance A typical father of local customs.
Worship Followed by many families, and those in marriage.
Holy Text Carorum
Temples Temples are homelike and used for marriage ceremonies.
Relic Rings of Amare - A set of two rings that bind two together, across any plane.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Heal
Divine Skill Crafting or Medicine
Favored Weapon club
Domains cities, family, nature, protection
Cleric Spells 1st: shillelagh, 3rd: nondetection, 4th: resilient sphere

Gigas, Lord of Giants

Edict “The ordering is the perfect way of life.”
Anathema “Your superior is to be unquestioned, and your subordinate shouldn’t question you.”
Realm Terra gigantum
Appearance A Storm Giant
Worship Those who prefer order and simplicity.
Holy Text Lingua Magna
Temples Temples vary greatly on what giant type they are based upon.
Relic Giga’s Belt - Magically enhances the wearer granting powers of all the giant kin.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Intimidation
Favored Weapon greatsword
Domains creation, might, perfection, tyranny
Cleric Spells 2nd: enlarge, 5th: summon giant, 6th: dominate

Mortale, God Amongst Men

Edict “Mortals are the most valued thing, even above the gods.”
Anathema “The murder of an innocent, or unarmed person is the vilest crime.”
Realm Armada of Saints
Appearance Long golden hair pointed beard. Stands taller than any other humanoid in the room and with broad shoulders. Wears a white plate with his symbol on his cape.
Worship Many mundane people and warriors.
Holy Text Verbum hominis
Temples Statues are commonplace in laymen's homes and small-town barracks, along with a rustic place of gathered worship.
Relic Armor of Mortale - An armor that makes the wearer immortal, and never exhausting.
Devotee Benefits
Divine Font Harm or Heal
Divine Skill Any
Favored Weapon spear
Domains ambition, fate, luck, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: any, 2nd: any


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