Camp Prep 2024 - Nexus 423

Week 1

Assignment 1

Consider what kind of changes would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points. ...alright, the Nexus is kinda cheap...   The Nexus is a hub for collaboration. It should be fairly responsive to, and accepting of changes.   That being said, I'm aiming for GOLD currently, and have 3 separate WA worlds to get there (2 of them are related to the Nexus)

Assignment 2

Based on this, decide how many prompts you'll go for during Summer Camp.   Going for Gold. I want diamond, but between life and the attention span of a squirrel... I'll get lucky to reach gold. What was I doing again...?

Assignment 3

Get your categories and tags organized!
  • Created new tags for sorting (this is actually REALLY important for this world and will have to be reviewed regularly... still not done either)
  • Created new categories
  • Sorted a few articles

Assignment 4

Take a look at your meta, primer, and any other high-level document and update it according to the current state of your world.
  • Updated some of the meta. The Nexus doesn't have a set genre, and is meant to accommodate many various worlds

Week 2

Assignment 1

Consider what kinds of refuge would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.
  • The Nexus itself can be a refuge for people of its connected worlds.

Assignment 2

Find a community
  • there's a couple of those... more than 5

Assignment 3

Find ways to improve styling and layout in your world!
  • Uhm... can I do this later? I fail at CSS

Assignment 4

If you’re a CSS wizard, maybe take the time now to give it a polish!
  • See assignment 3

Week 3

Assignment 1

Consider what kind of beliefs would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.
  • The belief is that existence is infinite, and there are doors to worlds that have not yet been opened, not yet found. That these worlds a generally meant to be explored, and merely can't yet for some reason.
  • There is also a belief that connected worlds can get along. We shudder to think of what would happen if the Nexus was used as the primary method of transportation for war.

Assignment 2

Create a bank of inspirations! Quotes, music, description of experiences and shower thoughts, etc.
  • Does my World Anvil notebook count?
  • I have a sticky note app too, I use that a lot

Assignment 3

Find art and pictures that inspire you, and grab a map if you don't have one (and need one).
  • Working on it.... it'll take a little since I need to poke some people about some specifics. Never really thought of a map for the Nexus, but it will likely be rather large eventually...

Assignment 4

Check your inspirations again. Are they still relevant? Can you find any that better represent the current state of your project?
  • Yeah, they are... just a notebook stuffed with ideas that will likely make it into as of yet unwritten stories. Elviria is another matter entirely, for a whole different set of reasons though...

Week 4

Assignment 1

Consider what kind of decay would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.
  • There's a realm for that, dangerous and uncharted, where things may or may not go to die, or be disposed of. "Hazardous" is an understatement. I should probably make that article for that huh...?

Assignment 2

If you like special tea when you write, stock up for a month. Tidy your office, make a “do not disturb” sign, and think about any other last-minute strategies to optimize your writing space and time!
  • I write what I can, when I can, where I can. If I'm lucky its at a table with a computer. If I'm somewhat lucky, I'll have time to stop and throw down the notes on my phone, if I'm not standing in the middle of the road or something. That is likely not going to change any time soon...

Assignment 3

Review your world homepage to hook potential readers!
  • It's not pretty, and I know it, but it has a nice background image. It's a work in progress... I'll get there one of these days. I suppose I have technically reviewed it though

Assignment 4

Take a look at your author profile and pillar articles on your world and polish them!
  • I actually did this a week or so done for the most part. There are a couple more minor changes to make I suppose
Am I ready for Summer Camp.... yeah... sure. At least, that's what I'll tell myself so I can sleep decently. LETS DO THIS!

Cover image: by Kranjax (with Janet an Dimitris... apparently)


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