The Shattering

When we awake, we found ourselves here, fresh amidst the catastrophic scene of what appeared to be a portion of a small shattered world, and countless shards of an enormous crystal, or was it crystals?   Stranger still, the things we'd devised ourselves, separately contained, were now floating amidst the debris, encased in what appeared to be giant crystals, bubbles, or both.. We learned that these bubble-crystal constructs acted as portals to our respective realms, with each of us having 1 main one, and smaller ones within if we'd sired multiple worlds. We glanced at each other, understanding that we were bound together by the unusual circumstances, and began to devise ways to put things back the way they were   It did not take long for us to realize that restoring things to their previous state was beyond our abilities, and the large crystal core, which we'd come to call "The Nexus" (we arbitrarily added '423" merely because we thought it'd be funny), had given us some abilities we'd rather not part with, as well as a sense of camaraderie that would be even more painful to lose. Thus, we opted to stay and made accommodations on what land we could assemble.   We put our heads together and devised various facilities, which would be of benefit to all, places where our creativity could flourish, clash, and evolve. The Nexus acquiesced to our collective wills and the structures formed as per our intentions.   An arena, a nature reserve, an atelier, and a small base that we would expand when not in our own territories. We were content for a time, and then, with a boom and a bright flash, as if lightning had struck, there was another bubble-esque crystal. More accurately, it seemed a small collection of the items floating in the otherwise empty space had conjoined into a thing, much like our own.    We were never alone here, but at that moment, we were joined by another, who also opted to stay. The cataclysm we'd found ourselves in had brought us a kindred spirit. Unbeknownst to us, it was only the beginning...


The Nexus is a vast and mostly empty expanse of what seems like space, but isn't quite so, as you can breathe there. The space is littered with what is assumed to be fragments of a former world, bubbles, and crystals.    When drifting around, you can move from one of these bubble-portal-crystal things to another by merely thinking about it or focusing your sight on it.


Localization appears at the level of each bubble-shard, or each one controlled by a separate entity. They operate as independent domains of the Nexus, and simultaneously as subdomains. These domains may also contain subdomains as well.
Metaphysical, Astral

Cover image: by Kranjax (with Midjourney)


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Jul 23, 2024 02:20

I can't like articles twice so here's an honorary extra like!

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...