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AEGIS is a special technology and military operations organization that works in conjunction with the Terran Defense Corps, however it is a separate entity that is a-political and not overseen by any governmental entity. Their operations are in service of peace and security throughout the system. AEGIS is in possession of some of the most sophisticated and advanced technology ever created by humanity.
  The crown jewel of AEGIS technology is the Veritas Orbital Station in orbit around Luna. Veritas is home to numerous spacecraft and other tools of defense and scientific advancement including the Lightkeeper program. Lightkeepers are super soldiers; extremely qualified humans with implanted MIND Link chips that operate extremely advanced exosuits.
  Additionally, AEGIS operates an extremely impressive facility on Earth called Project Huracan which was built to study an unknown celestial object at the bottom of the ocean. It now extracts materials from the object which is used to greatly enhance the organization's technological prowess.
  The organization employs a large number of staff, mainly scientists and engineers as well as pilots and other support roles. They also have a sizable number of Servitor drone robots to assist in day to day operations within their facilities. Their focus is more so on science and technology than warfare, however they do have extremely advanced combat personnel. AEGIS only has two types of combat units ever deployed for military operations: Shock Troopers and Lightkeepers.

Shock Trooper

Shock Troopers are elite soldiers tasked with the most important AEGIS operations, generally involving high-intensity combat situations. They wear heavy black assault armor that provides enhanced strength and protection. Shock Troopers are armed with heavy weapons such as light machine guns, railguns, grenade launchers, or sidearms with heavy swords. They excel at combat in any range and have the ability to both withstand and output a significant amount of damage. With their superior firepower and resilience, Shock Troopers are often deployed to breach enemy defenses, lead assaults, or hold critical positions.

Allied Lightkeeper

Lightkeepers can be found throughout the system protecting the most vital locations and assisting with the most challenging missions. They are elite super soldiers of the highest caliber, equipped with cutting-edge armor and advanced weaponry.
  These allied Lightkeepers are highly skilled warriors who often share the same mission as players. They can be found guarding important installations and key positions throughout the system, providing essential support and reinforcement. Each allied Lightkeeper possesses a unique appearance and weapon specialization. They will often be equipped with advanced assault rifles, railguns, or a sidearm along with a heavy melee weapon.