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Atlas Heavy Arms

Atlas Heavy Arms is an Earth-based manufacturer that adheres to classic design principles, creating robust and heavy-duty weaponry suitable for any combat situation.


Atlas produces firearms with high damage output. However, these weapons often have a slower fire rate and poorer recoil control.


Atlas takes inspiration from traditional 21st-century firearms, resulting in a rugged and utilitarian appearance. The majority of their weapons boast a dark gray to black gunmetal finish and are equipped with railings and tactical attachments.

Product Line

    • Assault Rifle
    • Shotgun
    • Sidearm
    • Carbine
    • Targeting Rifle
    • Machinegun
    • Grenade Launcher
    • Rocket Launcher
    • Sword
    • Shield
    • Gauntlets
    • Thrasher


Naming Convention

Atlas follows a unique naming convention, labeling their products after various storms, weather events, and natural disasters followed by a numbered designation.
    • Cyclone 12 heavy machinegun
    • Thunderhead 5 sniper rifle
    • Hurricane 27 SMG
    • Avalanche 9 rocket launcher
    • Hailstorm-60 assault rifle
    • Tornado-21 grenade launcher
    • Blizzard-33 sword