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The Sol Council is the highest governing body of the New Terra, responsible for overseeing all administrative processes of Earth and Luna from within Bastion. The Council is intended to uphold principles of justice and fair governance by maintaining order, promoting social welfare, and ensuring the well-being of their citizens.   However, under the Council's jurisdiction lies Dominion: a powerful and influential organization tasked with maintaining peace and order across the Alliance. As a result of various corrupt Council members, Dominion has deviated from the principles of the Council, engaging in self-serving practices that favor the rich and powerful while oppressing the weak and marginalized.   Dominion has effectively become a corrupt bureaucracy, abusing its power for personal gain. They manipulate the system by prioritizing the interests of the wealthy and powerful, exacerbating the gap between the privileged and the exploited. They maintain control through a combination of propaganda, fear, and force. They manipulate public perception, portraying themselves as protectors of the city while suppressing dissent and criticism. Their rule is imposed by a private military force consisting of peacekeepers and enforcers who carry out their orders with ruthless efficiency. They are equipped with advanced weaponry, surveillance technology, and training that surpasses that of the average citizen, quelling any resistance from the disenfranchised.   Scarce resources are hoarded for the benefit of the elite few within their ranks. This results in widespread poverty and desperation among the general population, who struggle to survive in the face of limited access to basic necessities. Dominion’s actions have bred resentment among the marginalized, fueling severe unrest within Bastion. This has led to an increase in dangerous crime and the rise of the Brotherhood as well as opposition from rebel terrorist group the Native Sons.  


Servitors are humanoid robots designed specifically for maintenance and general civilian assistance within the city. Essentially they are unarmed Enforcers that prioritize their role as helpful companions rather than combat-oriented units. They possess advanced artificial intelligence and a range of tools and sensors to perform various tasks autonomously. They resemble their Enforcer counterparts but have a smaller, less intimidating build, nor do they bear Dominion emblem.   Equipped with an array of tools, Servitors are adept at repairing infrastructure, conducting routine inspections, and providing general assistance to civilians. Its appendages feature interchangeable modules and tools. They are not overtly hostile, however they may alert their companions if they perceive a nearby threat. While they are technically unarmed, they are able to defend themselves physically.  


Originally designed as a state of the art civil servant and peacekeeping tool, Enforcers are humanoid robots that were intended to ensure safety and protection of civilians. However, due to corrupt reprogramming and manipulation by Dominion , it has become a formidable tool of oppression and control. Programmed for ruthless efficiency, Enforcers carry out Dominion’s bidding by suppressing dissent and imposing its will upon the citizens of the New Terra.   With a sleek, reinforced titanium alloy exoskeleton and standing nearly three meters tall, Enforcers are imposing figures. They have a brutalist design with an expressionless, glowing optical unit that comprises the majority of what should be its face. They are equipped with a powerful and versatile plasma rifle. They do not require additional melee weaponry as their Gauntletsare capable of causing ample damage.   Enforcers' mechanical limbs exhibit great speed, strength, and dexterity, allowing them to engage in both ranged and close-quarters combat with lethal efficiency. They are immune to pain, fatigue, and fear, enabling relentless combat until its mission is accomplished. Their chest is adorned with the emblem of Dominion, purposely and publicly displaying their allegiance. Within this design however is the machine’s power core which serves as its weak point.  


Vigils are compact, autonomous flying units deployed by Dominion to maintain independent systems and provide assistance wherever needed. They are diamond-shaped hovering machines with advanced stabilizers equipped with a variety of sensors and communication systems. They have a small, retractable articulating arm that can assist in performing tasks such as making repairs or picking up small objects. Their small design allows for quick navigation of tight spaces and crowded areas. Vigils are made of a durable octahedron shell which provides protection against small impacts, but they are not especially sturdy in combat.   Equipped with monitoring and surveillance capabilities, Vigils can scan and analyze their surroundings, gathering real-time data on security, environmental conditions, and threats. They assist their human and robotic counterparts by performing a range of tasks such as monitoring security checkpoints, patrolling designated sectors, maintaining complex automated systems, projecting visual information and cues, and basic maintenance tasks with its arm.   While Vigils do not possess offensive capabilities, they are still invaluable tools on the battlefield due to their ability to perform repairs on Enforcers and other machinery during combat. Additionally, they are able to call for reinforcements if they detect considerable threats.  


Engineers are skilled members of Dominion's engineering division, responsible for maintaining security networks and automated defense systems. They are often seen in the corridors of industrial areas or government and military facilities. They wear lightly armored white uniforms, carrying sidearms and deployable, automated turrets that can provide additional firepower.  


Specially trained officers in Dominion pilot armored exoskeletons called Paladins. Deployed for heavy combat and security operations, they are the answer to AEGIS’s Lightkeeper program. These suits offer increased strength and endurance to Dominion’s elite soldiers. Paladins are heavily plated full-body frames with an integrated power generator on their back. They carry heavy weaponry including heavy caliber assault rifles and railguns as well advanced melee armaments. Thrusters on their suits allow for swift repositioning to outmaneuver their targets. Paladins excel at medium-range engagements and employ disciplined tactics to suppress any opposition.  

Security Turret

Dominion’s Security Turrets are automated defense systems deployed throughout Bastion for city security. They are mounted at security checkpoints and key locations to deter intruders. The turrets themselves reside in retractable housings, emerging with high caliber machine guns once activated. Their shells are reinforced with hardened armor, however their targeting system which is located on the backside of the unit can be destroyed, disabling the turret.