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As an inverted and fragmented version of reality, Dark Space is home to distorted manifestations called Echoes; eerie and enigmatic doppelgangers that exist in contrast to the real world, trapped in a state of tormented inversion.
  Echoes are a corrupted reflection of their original counterparts from reality. They possess an unsettling and disoriented appearance that constantly shifts and glitches and flickers. As if the void was slowly devouring them, they appear to slowly disintegrate into the air just from existing. Their colors are reversed and distorted, flashing in and out of existence as they struggle to maintain their connection to this alternate reality. These mimics retain portions of the abilities and traits of their originals, often distorted in some way. Their behavior is also unpredictable and unnatural, moving in rapid, jerky motions and with lingering delays. They emit strange, distorted sounds adding to their unsettling presence.
  Because of their dark, chaotic nature, even their lesser forms are surprisingly formidable opponents which should be approached with caution.

Echoed Marine

Resembling a AEGIS soldier, Echoed Marines prefer to engage at long range. They use assault rifles made of dark matter when distanced, and swords when nearby for melee combat.

Echoed Lightkeeper

Echoed Lightkeepers are incredibly dangerous. They are Dark Space doppelgangers of powerful Lightkeeper soldiers and can make use of several abilities akin to the real world versions. They move quickly, can take flight and remain airborne for extended periods, generate barrier shields at will, and can unleash a version of Overdrive that fires a massive, long range beam of concentrated energy. They use dark matter versions of heavy beam rifles and powerful energy swords.

Echoed Light Mech

With the form of a Red Star robot, Echoed Light Mechs mimic their real world counterparts by attacking with dark matter assault rifles and heavy hitting limbs. They move slowly and deliberately.

Echoed Rebel

Echoed Rebels reflect soldiers of the Native Sons by bearing long range rifles and taking cover often.

Echoed Insurgent

Resembling a grenadier from the Native Sons, Echoes Insurgents throw large amounts of grenades. However, they are now erupt in an explosion of dark matter.

Echoed Predator

In the distorted shape of a massive human Ghost, Echoed Predators are just as large and terrifying as the real thing. They move slower, but are more resilient and strike harder with their sword and enhanced dark matter assault rifle.

Echoed Executioner

Echoed Executioners are huge, mostly stationary replicas from the Brotherhood that are equipped with a large dark matter machine gun that fires at an immensely high rate.

Echoed Vigil

Mimicking Dominion’s security drones, Echoed Vigils patrol the dark battlefields, alerting beings of the void to the presence of intruders. They are also able to recompose and heal their ally’s bodies as they disintegrate from damage.

Echoed Bishop

Imitating the Reclamation’ unholy clerics, Echoes Bishops defend their corrupted brethren in battle with healing fields and impenetrable cages.

Echoed Pawn

A distorted version of the Carnax, Echoed Pawns are fast and dangerous close range combatants with spears made of dark energy.

Echoed Knights

The twisted Carnax forms of Echoed Knights are extremely vicious, using their dark energy claws to tear apart any invader who unwittingly finds themselves in front of the abominations.

Echoed Shardwing

Dark Space versions of Shattered, Echoes Shardwings stalk their prey from above the ground, swooping in with savage ferocity and speed.

Echoed Colossus

The Colossus is a terrifying creature, and even more so in Dark Space as its Echoed version. They are massive and powerful, striking with dark energy melee weapons that explode into pools of destructive antimatter. They also replicate the original’s spinning laser attack with inverse particle beams.

Echoed Charger

Echoed Chargers are fragmented recreations of the Quicksilver, distorting in spacetime as they charge headlong at their enemies.

Echoed Sparkrunner

Coalescing into a crackling ball of dark energy, Echoed Sparkrunners speed through Dark Space leaving behind a burning trail of void fire.

Echoed Hunter

Resembling the killing machines from Earth, Echoed Hunters are horrifying simulacrums that are made entirely of energy from deep within the void of space and time. They operate slowly, rapidly distorting as they move. However, they attack with extreme force, firing blasts of antimatter at their enemies. Somehow, they are more terrifying than the originals they mimic.