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Enemy Stance & Symmetry

When attacks apply Force damage to players, it affects their Stance. Conversely, Interference damage affects player’s Symmetry. These two damage types do not affect HP or shields directly as Stance and Symmetry each have their own meter. Depleting these meters causes very detrimental effects.   AI forces do not experience the same effects as players when affected by Stance and Symmetry depletion, however enemy AI can still be affected by Force and Interference damage. When a target has taken enough Force damage to reduce their Stance to zero, they become Stunned. This Stun effect is different from the Stun players experience. When an AI enemy is Stunned, they suffer a Stunned animation for 8 seconds where they cannot move or attack.   Similarly, Interference attacks reduce a target’s Symmetry. Once they have received enough Interference damage, enemy AI becomes Suppressed, causing their movement speed to slow by 50% and disabling any special abilities for 8 seconds.   Different enemies have different base Stance and Symmetry totals and therefore require more Force to Stun.  
  • Minion - 800 Stance, 800 Symmetry.
  • Elite - 1,200 Stance, 1,500 Symmetry.
  • Champion - 1,800 Stance, 2,000 Symmetry.
  • Commander - 2,500 Stance, 2,800 Symmetry.
  • Boss - 3,500 Stance, 4,000 Symmetry.
  • Ultra - 5,000 Stance, 5,000 Symmetry.
  These amounts will increase depending on the difficulty modifier of a given enemy. Many enemies will be defeated before they are able to become Stunned or Suppressed. However, enemies will not regain Stance or Symmetry points, so once Force or Interference are inflicted, they remain until the target is defeated or they become either Stunned or Suppressed. Afterward, Stance or Symmetry levels immediately return to full, and AI targets become unable to lose Stance or Symmetry for at least 30 seconds.   In addition to standard attacks with weapons, players also have access to many different unlockable abilities.