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House Salvation Design

Visual Design

Members of House Salvation are former Carnax who have become twisted and ethereal beings adorned in robes and occult clothing. They have a ghostly and tortured appearance, fading in and out of existence, struggling to remain substantiated. Their forms are distorted and warped due to the abyssal energy coursing through them. They are haunting and unsettling in their appearance.


The surviving members of House Salvation are divided in their goals. Some still harbor ambitions of becoming gods and transcending reality, while others seek reclamation and escape from the immaterial prison of Dark Space. They now exist as spirit-like beings, searching for ways to influence the physical world or find redemption.


House Salvation are formerly Carnax beings, however after their encounter with the abyssal energies of Dark Space, they have transformed into immaterial beings. They are now spirit-like entities, existing in a state between reality and the inverse plane. Their physical bodies have been destroyed, leaving only twisted and distorted simulacrums of their former selves.


Haunted by their past, Salvation was once a mighty Carnax house who held a large amount of power. However, their occult rituals lead to their imprisonment in the realm of Dark Space, forever tormenting them. Some still cling to their ambitions, driven by a desire to regain control over reality itself, while others are desperate to find salvation from their folly. They struggle with their existence in the immaterial plane and seek help from visitors of reality. They remain somewhat arrogant and prideful, but have an air of desperation about them.


The language of House Salvation has evolved into a distorted and incomprehensible form due to their altered state. It is a mixture of fragmented speech and echoing, abyssal whispers, difficult for outsiders to understand.


The remains of House Salvations once mighty temples lay in abandoned, crumbling ruins. It resembles other Cranax stylings, but much, much older.


They hold command over abyssal energy, able to distort and create strange constructs out of pure dark matter. Their current powers are limited to Dark Space.


House Salvation's hierarchy has been destabilized, leaving only scattered remnants of their former social structure. Some still cling to their former roles with misguided pomp and circumstance , while others have lost all semblance of caring about pointless constructs such as status. Almost all of the remaining members of Salvation were part of the Chosen with very few Herd.

Social Structure

In Dark Space, House Salvation exists as a loose, ill-defined society. Their former conquering ways and ambitious goals have been replaced by a struggle for existence and meaning in their new reality.

Command Structure

Without a clear hierarchy, House Salvation now operates as individuals or small groups.


They do not wield physical weapons. Instead, they possess the ability to manipulate dark matter and use it to influence the alternate reality around them.


Being immaterial, House Salvation does not utilize physical vehicles.