BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

I. The Eye of Truth

The first of the relics discovered was The Eye of Truth. It grants its user the ability to glimpse into potential futures. It is a perfectly spherical orb approximately 50 feet wide, made of beautifully clear diamond. It is perfectly translucent and nearly invisible except for the subtle reflections on its smooth and flawless surface. Once activated, ethereal wisps of swirling silver energy dance and intertwine at its core, creating an ever-changing pattern that hints at the vast possibilities it holds.   To activate The Eye, one must channel their deepest thoughts and emotions, allowing their intentions to merge with the Relic's innate energy. As they touch the surface, a rush of sensations floods their mind. All of their senses become momentarily blurred and they are transported into a mental realm where the threads of time converge, revealing glimpses of potential futures. Within this realm, they experience vivid visions and fragmented scenes of what may come to pass. These visions are not fixed certainties, but rather fleeting glimpses whose meaning must be interpreted. The Eye presents a collage of potential timelines, offering insights into different paths that lie ahead, and the ever-shifting expanse of eternity is unfolded within seconds.   The Eye's power is not without its limitations as it does not reveal exact details or provide a comprehensive view of every potential outcome. The visions it presents are often symbolic and metaphorical. Additionally, its use comes with a toll on the user's mental and physical state, causing severe disorientation and exhaustion.