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Native Sons

The Native Sons are a militant terrorist group and self-proclaimed “resistance” to Bastion’s government. They have suffered under the control of Dominion and feel the Sol Council and Terran Defense Corps have done nothing to help the citizens of earth. They seek to dismantle and destroy the brutal and fascist regime on Earth through any means necessary. They sympathize with Red Star and are secretly supported by them with covert shipments of weapons and other resources. Occasionally, the Native Sons receive access to Red Star’s combat drones.
  As a rebel group, the Native Sons is particularly clandestine, holding a low profile while operating throughout Bastion. They have an extensive network of members in Luna's colonies, providing them with additional resources and intelligence. Their operatives are cunning and resourceful, using guerrilla tactics and subversion to complete their missions. They see their cause as just, however they have little regard for the collateral damage that occurs to innocents along the way.
  The operation is decentralized, split into multiple different cells operating under a single umbrella. Each individual contingent functions with their own strategies and objectives. However, the dedication to their cause is extreme, and they will stop at nothing to achieve what they see as freedom from oppression.


Rebels are marksmen who blend seamlessly into crowded city environments. They are skilled at navigating any environment and exploiting the terrain to their advantage, moving very quickly to constantly reposition. Rebels wear civilian attire with modified combat gear. They are equipped with long range rifles to snipe their enemies as well as knives for melee combat.


Anarchists are skilled hackers and infiltrators that commit overt acts of sabotage. They wear bandanas to conceal their faces and can be easily recognized by their backpacks which have antennas protruding from them. Anarchists are skilled at constructing and deploying various types of traps, such as smoke bombs to conceal areas as well as Ionic webs to electrify the battlefield and stun enemies. By using communications towers and network access, they are able to assume control of drones, turrets, and other weaponry. They do not have weapons of their own and use others to fight for them, often running from nearby enemies.


Insurgents utilize hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, and explosives to disrupt enemy forces. They have a rugged appearance and are easily recognizable by their utility vests filled with grenades. Insurgents are especially dangerous when they throw concussion grenades and lay proximity mines. They are equipped with body armor and defend themselves with sidearms.


Wearing rugged, camouflaged clothing that is often tattered and worn, Guerillas employ an up close and personal combat style. They wear fearsome masks and stolen military grade combat armor to protect them as they charge at their enemies with heavy gauntlets to pummel them into submission.


Clad in protective armor and a helmet stolen from peacekeepers, Rioters are often at the forefront of Native Sons encounters. They carry large shields to block incoming attacks, and wield clubs to counter close range enemies. Additionally, they throw fire bombs which erupt in a wide area, causing Thermal damage over an extended period.