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Native Sons

The Native Sons are a rebel group of guerilla fighters who are struggling for independence from oppression and revenge for the state of the world. They seek change by extreme measures.
  They are part of the Triad Collective.
  • Allied to: Red Star.
  • Liked by: Tyrian Union, The Brokers, Reclamation.
  • Disliked by: New Terra, Brotherhood, Prometheus.
    • Hated by: Sol Council, Dominion, Terran Defense Corps.



Red Star
The Native Sons applaud Red Star's efforts to dismantle the leadership and military might of the New Terra and Sol Council. They also receive weapons and supplies from Red Star, leading to a strong alliance with the faction.


The Native Sons appreciate Prometheus's actions in harming Dominion by stealing their machinery, leading to a favorable view of the rogue AI.


New Terra
The Native Sons are indifferent to the lives of New Terra citizens, seeing them as collateral in their struggle against the Dominion and the Sol Council.
  Tyrian Union
The Native Sons are indifferent to the lives of the Tyrians as they are not directly involved in their conflict.
  The Brokers
The Native Sons do not care about the war profiteering of the Brokers as they consider class warfare a far more pressing concern.
  The Conflux
The Native Sons are indifferent to the plight of the Conflux, as their struggles do not directly impact them.


Terran Defense Corps
The Native Sons see the Terran Defense Force as a strong arm of the Sol Council, perpetuating the status quo.
The Native Sons dislike having to deal with the Brotherhood’s criminal enterprises as they see more significant stakes in their struggle and view them as part of the problem.
The Native Sons consider Reclamation dangerous but have been able to deal with them successfully so far without too much trouble.
The Native Sons have to deal with fending off Solaris interfering with their more damaging missions.


Sol Council
The Native Sons believe the Council does not exercise their power nearly enough to help the citizens of Bastion and heavily blames them for the state of the world.
The Native Sons abhors Dominion for their ongoing atrocities, instilling a deep-seated hatred and a desire to overthrow their merciless regime.