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Native Sons Design

Visual Design

Members of the Native Sons often dress in dark, tactical attire with a mix of tattered civilian clothing and occasionally military gear. They wear bandanas, masks, or face coverings to conceal their identity. Unless wearing stolen or scavenged armor, they almost never look alike.


Native Sons’ mission is to overthrow what they perceive as a brutal and fascist regime on Earth, which includes Dominion, Sol Council, and the Terran Defense Corps. They seek to dismantle the existing power structures and restore what they believe to be the true values of freedom and self-determination.


The Native Sons consist of humans with a diverse range of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Their members hail from various corners of the solar system, unified by a shared disillusion of the established system.


Passionate and unwavering in their beliefs, they see themselves as freedom fighters, willing to make significant sacrifices to achieve their goals. They are deeply motivated by their grievances against the existing power structures and are prepared to take extreme measures to bring about change. They have little regard for collateral damage, often behaving more like a terrorist faction than a rebellion. The Native Sons are ruthless while trying to achieve their goals, not letting anyone or anything stand in their way.


The primary language used by the Native Sons is English, as it serves as a common tongue among most of humanity. However, within their clandestine operations, they utilize encrypted communication and secret codes to avoid detection.


As they do not have a centralized, relying instead on a decentralized network of safe houses, secret meeting spots, and hidden communication channels, the Native Sons do not have a standardized design aesthetic. The spaces they utilize are often inconspicuous, only identifiably by symbology such as banners. They tend to operate in crowded areas where they can easily fit in.


They might not have ready access to the advanced technology of the Terran Defense Corps or Dominion, but members of the Native Sons are resourceful. They have ways to acquire weapons and equipment by theft, salvage, and most dangerously, provided directly by Red Star. They utilize stealthy communication devices and guerrilla warfare tactics to level the playing field against their adversaries.


Because of their decentralized structure, avoiding the establishment of easily identifiable leadership helps to reduce vulnerability to infiltration and capture. However, there are several high-ranking members of the organization that tend to direct major operations. They are a cell-based organization with different groups operating independently but coordinating as a whole when necessary.

Social Structure

The social structure of the group is based on a sense of brotherhood with close family-like connections. Members forge strong bonds and support one another in their fight against their common enemy. However, the plan is almost always more important than the individual, so self-sacrifice in critical moments is common.

Command Structure

High-ranking leadership commands broad swaths of the organization with little regard for who completes the jobs required. Within each individual cell, there are experienced individuals who act as leaders, but these positions are fluid and change over time to ensure the security of the group. Decisions are often made collectively through consensus.


The Native Sons rely on a mix of conventional firearms, improvised explosive devices, and stolen or scavenged weaponry from organized combat forces. They favor weapons that can be easily concealed and utilized in hit-and-run tactics or those that are extremely disruptive as a show of force.


Given the clandestine nature of their operations, the Native Sons prefer to avoid using vehicles as they can attract unwanted attention. They primarily move on foot to maintain a low profile, but occasionally do commandeer Grizzly Transports.