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Forgotten and abandoned by society, bands of raiders known as Primals are lawless savages who take what they want, when they want it. These nomads live in the ruins of former cities and wander the wastelands looking to ravage and plunder whatever they can. They are extremely hostile and will ravage anyone they come across in order to survive outside of the protection of infrastructure and government.
  Primals are extremely resourceful, scavenging and looting an assortment of weapons and tools to use in unconventional ways. They raid both abandoned and populated settlements, plunder technology and vital resources from ruins, and raid supply convoys. They wear tattered clothing, scavenged armor pieces, and makeshift accessories. Their attire is a patchwork of salvaged materials they have uncovered or stolen.
  Using their innate knowledge of the wastelands, Primals excel at ambush tactics. They lay traps for unsuspecting victims, attack quickly, and disappear just as fast leaving behind chaos and destruction in their wake. They prefer to remain hidden as they engage at long ranges, striking unseen and without warning. If they aren’t successful in eliminating their unwitting target, Primals will often retreat before organized resistance can be mounted so they can live to fight another day.
  Primals utilize an assortment of makeshift and stolen weapons including crude blades, spiked clubs, and other improvised blunt instruments. They heavily rely on ranged weapons, often modified for improved effectiveness. Firebombs and other makeshift explosive devices are used immediately during surprise attacks. Some groups of Primals have been able to locate and repurpose parts of GenTech Hunters and reformat peacekeeping Enforcers to fight on their behalf.
  Every individual group of Primals operate in loosely organized bands, each with its own hierarchy and leadership structure. Notorious for their ruthlessness, no authority or request is recognized. In the wastelands, it is survival of the fittest.


Clad in dark, hooded garments and concealing masks, Scavengers are extremely stealthy. They are more focused on looting and plundering than face to face combat, however they will still engage using long range rifles. They also carry smoke bombs to help conceal themselves and their allies. They strike from a distance then quickly hide, making them difficult to locate.


Brutes are large, menacing foes who employ savage brutality. They are broad and muscular, often covered in war paint and tribal markings with a ragged patchwork of intimidating spikes, chains, and skulls. While they generally do not wear armor, they always sport a fearsome helmet or mask. Unlike their counterparts, Brutes charge headlong into battle, overwhelming enemies with their sheer aggression and a thirst for blood. They prefer to meet their opponents up close and personally with heavy melee weapons such as massive spiked clubs and serrated axes. As their heads are not exposed, Brutes have no specific weak spot.


Similar to Brutes, Junkers are huge, hulking savages. They are adorned in a makeshift armor of assorted machine parts. Junkers prefer to be the strong, silent type and wield massive machine guns or grenade launchers. They move slowly while firing, obliterating their targets with a storm of ammunition. They wear large metal helmets that are reminiscent of the jaws of a great beast and thus do not have specific weak spots.


Adorned in tattered clothing with bits of salvaged armor plates and leather garments, Marauders are well rounded heavy hitters. They prefer shotguns and carry a variety of explosive devices including frag grenades, toxic bombs that emit a cloud of poison, proximity mines that detonate with radioactive material, and ionic pulse emitters that can stun enemies.


Bandits are tinkerers who are adept at salvaging various technologies and repurposing it for their own needs. They reconstruct machines, build modified weapons, and use various tools to gain the upper hand in any situation. Wearing a combination of armor scraps and utility belts adorned with heavy wrenches, plasma cutters, and gadgets, Bandits have a rugged yet practical appearance. They are equipped with sub machine guns and carry portable shield generators and deployable gun turrets.


The epitome of brutality and fear among Primals are the Predators. These elite raiders stand out even among their lawless brethren, striking terror into the hearts of their unsuspecting victims. They are imposing figures that wear advanced heavy plate armor adorned with makeshift trophies and spoils of war. Concealed under a glowing cloak, their armor is dark, highlighted with glowing channels. They hide their faces behind a menacing mask.
  Predators wield an array of devastating weapons. They carry a modified assault rifle as well as an energy-amplified sword. They possess enhanced strength, resilience, and combat prowess, allowing them to endure a tremendous amount of punishment, shrugging off injuries that would incapacitate others. They move quickly and reposition often, able to overwhelm adversaries who are not paying close attention to them.
  Relentless and merciless in combat, Predators engage with overwhelming firepower and battle tested skills that lay waste to entire squads. However, their armor is powered by a central dynamo located on their chest which is especially vulnerable. Damaging their core enough will stun the Predator for several seconds, allowing for an uncontested attack.