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Created by the Carnax, Quicksilver is a synthetic version of the Shatter. Unlike its crystal-based counterparts, Quicksilver is composed of sentient ferrofluid, a magnetic substance that can transform into various structures and creatures made of metal. Through centuries of research and trials, the Carnax were able to use the inherent structure of the Shatter combined with the power of an Eternal Relic to engineer their own reproduction. By harnessing the vast sentience-bestowing power of the Blessed Heart with the remarkable properties of ferrofluid, Quicksilver was born.
  Quicksilver is a shimmering metallic liquid that moves and reacts with a mesmerizing fluidity. Its black-ish silver colored substance is malleable, constantly shifting and reshaping itself. Quicksilver exhibits a certain level of autonomy and intelligence, enabling it to make decisions and act accordingly while following the rule of its master, the Carnax. Quicksilver possesses the ability to mold itself into a wide range of form, assuming the shape of weapons and armor weaponry, defensive barriers, or more dangerously, an army of metallic constructs. Its literal fluid nature enables Quicksilver to flow and change its form rapidly.
  Quicksilver was designed to behave as a loyal servant and instrument of the Carnax’s malicious ambitions. It obeys their commands and serves their nefarious purposes, carrying out tasks ranging from infiltration and sabotage to direct combat and manipulation of technology.