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Quicksilver Forms

While Quicksilver does not have distinct types or classes, it does have a variety of forms. It is an extremely powerful tool and ally for the Carnax, both combined with their forces and individually.


Embodying a form similar to a rhinoceros, Chargers are a massive Quicksilver entity. They are quadrupedal shapes with one massive spiked horn instead of a head. They are covered in a thick layer of hardened ferrofluid, resembling iron plating. The metallic surface is adorned with intricate glowing patterns and crevices, giving it a rugged and weathered appearance. They rush enemies with tremendous force, utilizing its horn to devastating effect. Chargers are also able to shift into a liquid form to move freely, immune to damage.


Ebonfangs are three-headed Quicksilver beasts with each of its black heads wreathed in flame. They do not have legs but instead move similar to a liquid wave. It can bite with each of its set of jaws, or emit searing jets of concentrated, superheated ferrofluid similar to liquid fire that incinerates enemies. Like other Quicksilver creatures, it can shift into a liquid state to avoid attacks. Each of its heads is susceptible to direct damage.


Floating through the air like stingrays through water, Silverscales are fast,agile, and deadly. Their dark, shadowy bodies absorb light, allowing them to cloak and become temporarily invisible. Their wings are sharp and rigid like blades, and their tails are multiple spiked tendrils. They attempt to deal razor sharp damage by quickly darting by, and can use their tail spikes to launch projectiles. The underside of the Silverscale is the best way to take them down.


Mercurials resemble their Carnax masters as flowing ferrofluid. They are tall and slender with a silhouette that constantly shifts and reshapes itself. Their bodies are covered in metallic tendrils that form solid, protective shields and transform their limbs into bladed weapons including swords and spears. Instead of eyes, a single glowing core is visible near the top of its head-shaped appendage.