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Reclamation is a fanatical extremist cult that has embraced the arrival of the Carnax as a divine event. The cult worships their arrival as heralds the Great Cleansing, a cataclysmic purification of the universe. The members of Reclamation are devout followers who have embraced the Carnax as godlike entities and dedicate their lives to them. The cultist’s ideology revolves around the belief that only through the destruction and annihilation of the existing order can true peace and transcendence be achieved. They see themselves as agents of the Carnax's divine will and actively seek to assist the conquest.
  They have established a large base of operations in the ruins of Las Vegas, using its network of underground tunnels and half-destroyed buildings as a refuge to conduct their rituals and plan attacks. However, while the ancient city is their headquarters, they have established encampments within Bastion and Luna. Reclamation engage in various ceremonies to appease their masters, including offerings of sacrifice and performing esoteric rites. They have fervently imposed their beliefs with a range of actions from spreading propaganda, inciting violence and converting those disillusioned with the current state of the world, kidnapping and forced servitude, and even spreading a hallucinatory substance to unsuspecting victims making them much more susceptible to persuasion. Their methods of brainwashing have proven quite effective.
  Cult members generally wear robes, cloaks, and other garments to conceal themselves. They often bear intricate facial tattoos and markings on their bodies that display their allegiance to the Carnax. Their attire combines ancient ceremonial aesthetics with modern influences. They are adorned with Carnax-inspired patterns, and metallic accents reflecting a blend of human and alien aesthetics. To further enhance their appearance, the cult members often wear accessories such as amulets, talismans, and jewelry crafted with alien materials. These pieces are believed to possess mystical properties and are considered sacred artifacts that grant favor and protection.
  While the Carnax themselves do not necessarily endorse Reclamation, they see value in having devoted followers who further their cause and sow discord among their enemies. In recognition of their unwavering devotion, the Carnax have opted not to eradicate or enslave the cult, but instead have provided them with weaponry and technology. These offerings are seen as a reward for their loyalty and serve to further strengthen the unusual bond.
  The presence of Reclamation adds a dynamic and complex element to the Carnax invasion as they blur the lines between human allegiance and the invading force. They serve as a complication to the overall resistance efforts against the Carnax and a dangerous faction that must be treated with care.


Adherents are general combatants who do not possess any particularly special skills but are devout to their cult. They wear heavy robe-like garments and carry a variety of light weaponry including sidearms, sub machine guns, and knives. They are plentiful and willing to sacrifice themselves on behalf of their newfound masters. They have been given a handheld field generator which provides a weak Barrier to help survive in battle.


Equipped with long range energy rifles, Acolytes prefer to attack their targets from a distance. Their garments and tattoos denote their high level of devotion, displaying Carnax symbology and bright colors. Acolytes are often positioned strategically to provide covering fire making them difficult to target. They wear light armor and a helmet beneath their clothing to provide protection.


Recognized by their more aggressive and frenzied appearance, fanatics are close-range combat specialists within Reclamation. They have been gifted energy-imbued melee weaponry which they use to rush and engage their enemies with. They are fast and nimble, proving a dangerous threat up close. To protect them in combat, they carry a portable Ballistic field generator to provide a Barrier.


Zealots are elite warriors of the cult, distinguished by their large and formidable presence. They utilize Carnax-supplied equipment such as modified assault rifles, plasma-charged swords, and adapted armor adorned with intricate alien-inspired designs. They are visually denoted as having elevated status within the cult hierarchy. Zealots possess both generous offensive and defensive capabilities that must be approached with caution. They have superior strength, speed, and resilience versus other members of Reclamation.


Bishops are revered members of Reclamation who possess Carnax devices giving them unique abilities to support their cultist allies. They are distinguished by their elaborate ceremonial robes that signify their sacred role. Bishops can use their alien tools to create healing fields to regenerate allies’ health. They can also occasionally emit nullification fields that create an indestructible and ethereal barrier to provide an area impenetrable by projectiles. Additionally, the staff they carry can be charged to create a focused burst of destructive energy. They keep themselves safe with personal Barrier as well. Bishops play a crucial support role, ensuring the survival and resilience of their comrades while actively countering enemy assaults.