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Reclamation Design

Visual Design

Members of Reclamation wear dark, hooded robes and cloaks adorned with Carnax-inspired patterns and symbols. They bear intricate facial tattoos and markings on their bodies that display their allegiance to the Carnax. Their attire combines ancient ceremonial aesthetics with modern influences, reflecting their fanatical devotion to the divine beings they worship.


Reclamation embraces the arrival of the Carnax as a divine event, heralding the cataclysmic purification of the universe called the Great Cleansing. They believe that only through the destruction and annihilation of the existing order can true peace and transcendence be achieved. They seek to serve as agents of the Carnax's divine will and actively assist the conquest.
  Members of Reclamation use extreme brainwashing tactics with a combination of kidnapping and torture to convince others to join their cause.


Reclamation consists of human beings with a diverse range of appearances, including various races, ethnicities, and physical traits. Their biology is that of ordinary humans, but their extreme fanaticism sets them apart from the general population.


Cult members of Reclamation are devout followers who have fully embraced the Carnax as godlike entities. They fervently believe the Carnax are destined to cleanse the universe including humanity. They are willing to dedicate their lives to the cause and actively engage in violent acts to further their beliefs.


As many of their recruits are from Bastion, Reclamation primarily speaks English. However, they use esoteric terminology they believe relate to the Carnax. They spread their fanatical ideas through constant propaganda.


Reclamation has established its base of operations in the ruins of Las Vegas, utilizing the network of underground tunnels and half-destroyed buildings for their rituals and planning. Their encampments in Bastion and Luna are subtly hidden away within the greater civilian areas.


Reclamation members have been provided with weaponry and technology by the Carnax as a reward for their loyalty. They may use these advanced tools to carry out acts of sabotage and terrorism, garnering further weapons and equipment.


Reclamation operates under a limited structure with a small inner circle overseeing operations. The rest of the members are strictly followers according to the cult’s doctrines.

Social Structure

The cult's social structure is centered around the worship of the Carnax, and not much more. Members carry out their orders and participate in esoteric rituals as a group.

Command Structure

The command structure of Reclamation is centralized, with a small group forming the decisions as a council. These leaders disseminate orders to other cells throughout New Terra and attempt to communicate with the Carnax to receive guidance and instructions.


Reclamation members use a combination of knives and ceremonial blades along with pilfered armaments and advanced weaponry provided by the Carnax. Aside from their alien weapons, their arsenal varies based on what they steal.


Reclamation does not rely heavily on vehicles, as they prefer to operate in a more clandestine manner. However, they use stolen and repurposed Grizzlys for transportation during their operations.