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Red Star

Red Star is a paramilitary organization on Mars that was previously established to provide protection and security for the planet’s colonies. It has since focused its attention to declaring war on the New Terra, leaving the protection and stability of Tyrian society to its citizens.
  They are part of the Pandemonia Collective.
  • Allied to: Native Sons.
  • Liked by: Dominion, Brotherhood, The Brokers, Reclamation.
  • Disliked by: Tyrian Union, The Conflux,
    • Hated by: New Terra, Sol Council, Terran Defense Corps, Prometheus, Solaris.



Native Sons
Red Star is pleased that the Native Sons are trying to destroy the Sol Council, supporting them with equipment and weaponry.


Tyrian Union
Red Star previously provided protection to the Tyrians, but their focus has shifted to the war. Despite their decreased efforts on support, they maintain a favorable view of the citizens of Mars.
Red Star disagrees with Reclamation’s motives, however they are an effective distraction to Earth's forces which helps their war efforts.


While Red Star dislikes any establishment by the Sol Council, they do not have a personal vendetta against Dominion.
Red Star is indifferent to the criminal activities of the Brotherhood.
  The Brokers
Red Star is indifferent to the operations of the Brokers, as it does not directly impact their war efforts.
  The Conflux
Red Star is indifferent to the plight of the Conflux.
Red Star is indifferent to the activities of Solaris.


New Terra
Red Star has been exploited for centuries by the dominion of New Terra. While much of the blame is on the government and industry, they still hold resentment for its people.


Sol Council
Red Star holds the Council responsible for the mistreatment of the people of Mars by way of New Terra, declaring interstellar war.
  Terran Defense Corps
Red Star sees the Terran Defense Corps as the might of a corrupt and exploitative government.
Red Star fears that Prometheus may infect their network of machines and corrupt their valuable resources.