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Created by The Endless, Sentinels are guardians of the Ascendant Towers within Dark Space. Tasked with protecting the ancient structures from any who seek to desecrate or corrupt their power, these massive humanoid beings are made of interwoven arcs of shimmering energy covered in ornate armor. The Sentinels possess immense strength and unique abilities, each wielding a weapon forged from the energy of Dark Space itself. Pulsating with raw power, they defend the Towers with unwavering loyalty, employing a combination of powerful melee strikes and energy-based ranged attacks. Every Sentinel has its own unique set of skills, strengths, and weaknesses, so each encounter will require quick thinking and adaptability to succeed.


Arcweaver Sentinels are imbued with powerful electrostatic energy. Their bodies radiate energy and have gauntlets encased in crackling lightning. Their primary skills are to manipulate electricity, unleashing devastating storms and creating protective voltaic barriers.Their weak spots are the two large lightning rods extending from their back.


Forged from the essence of Dark Space itself, Voidguard Sentinels are adorned with shimmering black armor and daunting purple eyes. They are armed with dual, energy-infused chain whips they used to spin with and slam into the ground. Additionally, they unleash timed detonation cores with accompanying magnetic tractor fields. Their armor plating is thick and durable, but they are susceptible to strikes to their back.


Composed of crystalline prisms that refract light into dazzling displays, Prismatic Sentinels can focus beams of visible light to disintegrate enemies and their projectiles. Use a large shield they carry to create a reflective barrier that redirects and amplifies enemy attacks back against them. They also release rotating laser blades that can easily slash through armor. Their exposed core should be the primary target.


These emerald guardians are spectral and extremely agile. Able to cloak, Tracer Sentinels slip into the shadows to strike from unexpected places. They carry a scythe with excellent range, so it is best to be prepared for their attacks when they aren’t in direct line of sight. They are able to produce visual distortions as well, masking their attacks further. Striking their legs limits mobility and makes them vulnerable.


The Fireborn Sentinel is a hulking behemoth that wields a huge, blazing greatsword. Covered in towering flames, its mere presence raises the temperature in its vicinity to scorching levels, making it difficult to approach. Its immense strength allows it to unleash devastating punches and ground-shaking stomps, causing fiery eruptions that engulf its foes in a storm of searing thermal energy. There is no optimal strategy against them other than to stay at range and keep firing.


Steelborne Sentinels force close-quarters engagements by generating magnetic fields that cannot be escaped, effectively creating involuntary combat arenas. Armed with massive claws, they are aggressive and deadly. Their reinforced armor is impenetrable, however there are several exposed weak points in joints and between limbs that can be struck effectively.