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Shatter Forms

The Shatter can take on a variety of different cohesive forms including several creatures. These forms are generally composed of a single crystal type, however it is possible for them to have multiple types, particularly on their vulnerable or armored parts.


A humanoid form of Shatter crystals. They are not particularly fast or agile, but can walk quickly. They attack with their razor sharp Gauntletsand can throw exploding crystalline bombs.


Razorbacks are fearsome Shatter creatures inspired by jungle cats. They possess a sleek and muscular body made entirely of jagged, crystalline protrusions that jut out in various directions. They are fast and agile, attacking primarily with claws and teeth, but also can strike with projectiles from its tail. Their manes are distinguished by a special glow and can be used to emit a blast of energy after a brief charge.


Reminiscent of large, predatory birds, Shardwings rain death from above. This avian variant possesses a long tail and a massive wingspan that stretches upwards of 10 feet. Their wings are sleek and razor sharp while their bodies are jagged, and they leave a trail of shimmering matter wherever they fly. Shardwings attack by swooping with their claws and striking with their beak as well as launching spiked feather projectiles. They can also charge and fire a beam of concentrated energy from their beak.


The Crystalisk is akin to a giant scorpion, possessing a heavily armored body with six legs, two massive pincer-like claws, and a long tail. Its exoskeleton is composed of specially hardened, spiked crystal plates that refract surrounding light. They are able to tuck in their limbs and head, curling into a sphere of impenetrable, interlocking plates. In this compact form, it becomes a wrecking ball capable of swift and devastating charges. Rather than striking directly with their tail, they unleash a barrage of crystal shards in a sweeping motion that explode on impact.


The Luminary is a support type creation that floats above the ground, sending continuous streams of glowing crystal filaments towards nearby allies, supplying constant regeneration. Their form is a singular large gem with extending tendrils. Their one offensive capability is to focus energy within their core and fire a high-intensity burst towards threats. Destroying them should be a top priority during engagements.


Coalescing into an elongated body resembling a massive snake, Shimmerfangs are relatively simple but dangerous foes. Their mineral scales ripple with energy as they slither across terrain. They can tunnel into the ground and create a wave of jagged spikes to emerge wherever they burrow. Shimmerfangs can also pounce on prey similar to a spiraling tornado in its trajectory. They also possess powerful jaws at the front of the form that is used for snapping at its enemies.


The Colossus is an enormous walking fortress. At nearly 15 feet tall, its immense humanoid form resembles a heavily armored knight. They possess extraordinary strength and are capable of fabricating huge crystalline weapons with ease. Most of their body is heavily fortified except for a core in the center of its chest. They have several different abilities that make them formidable opponents on the battlefield.
  The Colossus can quickly materialize weapons out of thin air using their own body as a resource. Because of the sheer force generated, the weapons shatter on impact, causing immense destruction directly as well as collateral damage nearby. They create greatswords for single overhead attacks, battle axes to cleave, massive gauntlets for dual strikes, long lances to throw, and a massive shield they use to charge with.
  Additionally, they have several skills that quickly change the scope of the battlefield. One ability is to slam into the ground, sending out crystals that create six large pillars in a wide circle. The Colossus begins to glow, and after a moment of charging, energy flows from the creature into the pillars which then explode. The Colossus can also generate a large boulder which it throws, splintering into four smaller versions of the Colossus with a reduced moveset, limited to melee attacks.
  Finally, they are able to unleash a devastating barrage of sustained energy lasers. The Colossus hunkers into a ball and begins to glow. Multiple canon barrels extend from its body which glow even brighter. A moment later, the canons fire while the Colossus rotates.
  The Colossus is an extremely dangerous foe and should be engaged with caution and heavy artillery.