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The Conflux Design

Visual Design

House Conflux is a diverse array of visual designs due to their origins from various alien races. They may have humanoid forms with unique features or possess more exotic and alien traits. Despite their differences, they share a common purpose, symbolized by their emblem: an intricate interlocking pattern representing unity and liberation.
  Members share a common visual theme of destitution and exhaustion. Many individuals within Conflux are injured or otherwise disabled, often filthy and devoid of life. They wear tattered clothing and chains. Having been conquered and enslaved, they lead a very difficult existence.


House Conflux stands united against the Carnax and their oppressive crusade. Their primary goal is to resist the tyranny of the Carnax and seek freedom and liberation for all who have suffered under their rule. They aim to forge alliances, build strength, and create a sanctuary for those seeking refuge and assistance while many of them remain imprisoned.


Members of House Conflux hail from different worlds, resulting in a wide range of biological traits and abilities. Some have enhanced physical attributes, unique sensory capabilities, and specialized skills.


Despite being utterly worn down, many members of House Conflux share a strong sense of determination and unity. They are driven by their shared experiences of oppression and seek to empower each other through mutual support and cooperation. They remain resilient while exhibiting signs of fear, nervousness, and desperation.


Due to the diversity of alien races within House Conflux , communication involves a mixture of spoken language, telepathy, and translation from a third party to decipher communications unique to their individual species. They have begun to adopt a common tongue in a limited capacity.


House Conflux operates clandestinely, making their hideouts and safe havens well-hidden and camouflaged within various environments. They are resourceful and practical, designed to provide shelter and protection for their members without attracting attention.


The technology used by House Conflux is a combination of the knowledge and skills brought by its diverse members. They utilize a blend of ancient and advanced technologies from different worlds, sharing their expertise for the greater good of the assembly. They don’t have access to much, but they make good use of what they do have or come across.


House Conflux rejects the traditional Carnax caste system and instead operates on a system of mutual benefit and cooperation. Each member's strengths and unique abilities are recognized and utilized to contribute to the assembly's goals. One of the few exceptions is former Carnax commander Hestus. He has taken the role as their leader wherein members hang on his every word and abide by his guidance.

Social Structure

House Conflux is an assembly formed by exiles, former slaves, and those who have turned against the Carnax. They operate covertly and maintain a low profile to avoid detection. Each member is considered equal and valuable, and their unity is their greatest strength.

Command Structure

While House Conflux values equality and unity, they have designated leaders and advisors within the assembly. These leaders emerge based on their expertise and experience, such as Hestus and Essa, guiding the group's actions and decisions.


Members of House Conflux do not have access to much weaponry outside of the few items they are able to scavenge and hide. They use a variety of equipment, however oftentimes not especially powerful or effective. They are resourceful and adaptive, using whatever is available to resist the Carnax and protect their members.


House Conflux primarily relies on stealth and camouflage, making the use of vehicles rare. However, some Freebound members who have managed to escape enslavement may have access to stolen or salvaged transportation.