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The Exploitation of Mars

In the centuries leading up to the establishment of the Orion Industrial Combine mining facility on Mars, the Tyrian people endured a long history of exploitation and neglect at the hands of the powers on Earth and Luna. Mars was rich in rare materials and resources that were highly valuable to New Terra, making it a crucial colony for the extraction of these valuable commodities.   The initial colonization of Mars by Earth and Luna began with promises of shared prosperity and support for the settlers. However, as the population on Mars grew, it became clear that the interests of the powers that be were primarily focused on extracting resources and maximizing profits, rather than the well-being of the Tyrian colonists.   Mars became a virtual resource colony for Earth and Luna, with vast shipments of rare materials being sent back to the homeworlds while the Tyrians received meager resources and minimal assistance in return. The colonial administration and resource extraction companies acted with little regard for the Tyrian people's needs and culture, leading to growing resentment and discontent among the Martian settlers.   As the population increased, the demand for resources grew, and the exploitation intensified. The Tyrians found themselves marginalized and treated as second-class citizens on their own planet. Basic necessities and infrastructure development were often lacking, while the profits from the resource extraction flowed back to Earth and Luna.   The situation worsened with the establishment of the Orion Industrial Combine mining and operations facility on Mars. Authorized by the Sol Council, the facility was intended to exploit Mars' abundant rare materials and operate a large-scale manufacturing center to produce high-tech goods for New Terra. The establishment of this facility had a devastating impact on the Tyrian people and their lands.   The arrival of Orion further deepened the divide between the colonists and New Terra. The conglomerate's operations led to massive environmental degradation, with large areas of land being devastated by resource extraction and manufacturing activities. The Tyrians, who had long struggled to maintain their way of life on the frontier, faced further hardships as their natural resources and habitats were exploited for the benefit of the distant homeworlds.   For Red Star, a militant group that had been steadily gaining support among the disillusioned Tyrian population, the construction of the Orion facility was the final straw. They saw the facility as the epitome of the exploitation and oppression the Tyrian people had endured for centuries. The harsh treatment and lack of support from the Sol Council had led them to believe that the only way to achieve justice and liberation was through armed resistance.   The Orion facility on Mars became a symbol of the Tyrians' suffering and a catalyst for Red Star's declaration of war against the Sol Council and the citizens of New Terra. They saw the facility as a representation of the oppressive system they sought to dismantle, and the conflict quickly escalated into a full-scale war.