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The Ruin

Brought into existence by The Blessed Heart, The Ruin are powerful golems made of pure energy. Controlled by the Carnax, they are shaped and imbued with temporary sentience to carry out specific tasks for their masters. They are composed of swirling tendrils of crackling energy that flicker and dance.
  As the golems move, a swirling vortex of nearby debris and fragments of local materials gravitates towards their core. This magnetic attraction forms a formidable armor that encases their energy form, granting them a dense, protective shielding. The armor manifests as a fusion of materials, melded together in a display of solidified chaos. This magnetism pulls in shattered metal plating, stone fragments, or even remnants of organic matter, all tightly interwoven and fortified by The Ruin's energy field.
  When unleashed in combat, their attacks are as relentless as the cataclysmic forces they embody. They can unleash devastating energy blasts, shockwaves that shatter the ground, or concussive bursts from their core. While formidable adversaries, they rely heavily on their energy reserves which can be depleted over time making their movements sluggish and their attacks weaker. Avoiding their armor and damaging their core is the key to victory.