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The Shatter

The Shatter are a bio-synthetic species with a crystalline anatomy. They possess a hive mind intelligence and operate as one despite being vastly numerous. Composed of trillions of tiny, iridescent mineral-like bodies that shimmer and refract light, they are as mesmerizing as they are dangerous. They operate as a single unit with individual members behaving as nodes in a vast network of interconnected consciousness. This allows them to coordinate their actions seamlessly to respond with remarkable speed and efficiency. They swarm together in an intricate pattern where each individual is capable of autonomous decision-making while remaining part of a greater collective.
  They defy gravity and move quickly, able to remain suspended mid air as they form together. The Shatter exists in various shapes, ranging in size from tiny to gigantic. They can change their bodies at will, adapting to different environments or assuming specific forms for various purposes. They construct barriers and structures, generate projectiles, or transform into creature-like forms. The Shatter possesses remarkable regenerative abilities, able to fuse crystalline fragments back together and rapidly repair even if a significant portion of their form is destroyed. The Shatter closely resembles Earth insects migrating as individual swarms and constructing hives which house a Queen Spawn that reproduced further Shatter.
  The species was discovered by the Carneax on a planet in the Perseus arm of the galaxy. Much of the planet was destroyed during their invasion, and a large amount of the Shatter was captured and contained by the Carnax for experimentation.
  The Shatter, also known as Lyrite, was biosynthetically manufactured by a hyper-intelligent race called the Lyraani. Originally intended to be a powerful terraforming and construction tool, Lyrite has been used by the Lyraani for a millennium to colonize and transform worlds across the galaxy to turn empty, desolate planets into beautiful landscapes.
  Shortly before the Carnax invasion of the Sol system, the Shatter aboard the Carnax vessel Imperius escaped their imprisonment and proceeded to spread throughout their fleet. Many of these ships were sent to assist with the Mars invasion which allowed the Shatter to infect Mars and Phobos, subsequently building footholds in both.
  The longer the Shatter interacts with the Carnax and Humanity, the more sentience it gains. It has started to form humanoid figures and even begun attempting to initiate communication.